England .... guns

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This comes up here on a regular basis. The majority of the video isn't even about gun control. It was a march organised by the Countryside Alliance protesting about the ban on hunting with dogs. As far as I know there was very little protest when the handgun ban was implemented after the Dunblane shooting. In fact the British NRA was no help at all, worse than useless IMO. The same after the Hungerford shooting which resulted in the semi-auto ban. In this instance the NRA actually colluded with the government to bring in the ban.

Mike Sr.,

Why would the American "media" be expected to cover a protest in the UK over attempts to ban hunting there? It isn't like it would be of much interest to the average person here.

BTW, the American media did cover it on TV and radio. I remember seeing it on BBC and PBS and hearing about it on NPR.
the Dunblane shooting

Things you might not be aware of... The President and a fellow Board Member of the Gun Club that the shooter belonged too, went to the local Police, "This man is a high risk, take his guns for safety" "He Say's he hates the kids at the School" Reply "we can not do anything till he does something" He did.

Here they would have investigated, based on the concerned citizens report, especially as they were senior members who knew him well.

The Law was in force in a flash! It was already written!
I hope that we in this country are not seeing our future in 4 to 8 years? I had not seen this video before. Thanks for the reminder that we need to protect our basic freedoms. :cool:
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