entrapment - what are your thoughts?

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My marriage is not a job, sendec. I'm referring to the state lying to deprive people of their liberty, not husbands lying that their wife's butt is not the size of a beanbag chair.

If I wasn't clear: if state officials are allowed to lie, citizens should have the same rights. One shouldn't do time for what cops often do.

In your examples:
To the widow:
"Regrettably, your husband died in the fire. The coroner's report is available at the station." Tact.
"I'll be watching you; stop this behavior now."

Comparing entrapment to good manners is specious.
" Hello heavily painted and scantily clad woman on the street corner. Can I interest you in a business proposition"

Street Corner Sally
" Are you associated with any local law enforcement agency"

"Yes ma'am I am. And I feel I should tell you that if you accept my offer, I will arrest you for soliticitation. And any other drug paraphernalia chrges I think that I can make stick."

Street Corner Sally
" OK officer fair enough. That'll be $50 for straight up, a little more if you're nasty.

See sendec you and all your lying cop friends don't get it.
If you are honest with the crooks they we be honest with you.
50$ for streetwalker FS? Where do you live, Joab?

Normally (although price varies accross the country) a figure between 15-20$ gets the cheapest thing you can buy, and it's 75$ to 150$ for half and half or full service. Also I suggest you avoid street cruising, it can be a real thrill but the risks are really too much. Stick with an incall/outcall operation with good reviews.
mercedesrules, you miss the point entirely.

A ruse to illicit a confession from a child molester, is NOT the same thing as lying in an official statement, or in testimony.

You see cops can't lie in official statements or in testimony. They are held to the exact same standard as Martha Stewart, and the rest of the world. She wasn't fibbing to test a suspect, she was lying in an official statement for the record.

You see when I testify I will tell the whole truth, including any trick I used in the interview of the suspect. Martha couldn't grasp that concept.

"I'll be watching you, stop this behavior now." You think that will stop a pedophile? What world do you live in? I've had to sit in a room with pedophiles for hours, being nice, pretending to be their pal, all in hopes that they will confess, thereby decreasing the chance that the victim will be traumatized again by testifying in court. I guess from now on, I'll tell the victims you say it's not nice to trick criminals into confessing. Where can they send the thank you notes?
Not hair splitting at all. If I were to lie in an official statement, or testimony, I would be subject to the exact same penalties as Martha. She knew her choices were to tell the truth or saying nothing. She went for door number three, commit a crime an lie in an official statement.

Still waiting to here where I'm supposed to have my victims send their thank you notes.
Normally (although price varies accross the country) a figure between 15-20$ gets the cheapest thing you can buy, and it's 75$ to 150$ for half and half or full service. Also I suggest you avoid street cruising, it can be a real thrill but the risks are really too much. Stick with an incall/outcall operation with good reviews.
You have obviously not been on The Trail in Orlando. $50 would be extremely generous
Well, I'm referring to ones that are actually attractive.

Shame that the AMPs that provided service have vanished so much, eh?

Before anyone gets their feminine dainties in a twisted wad, I don't actually pick up hookers. :p
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