Evanston Illinois repeals gun ban (finally!)

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Dec 25, 2002
Chicago area
Last night the Evanston city council finally repealed their gun ban in the face of a threatened lawsuit from the NRA and ISRA.

They met two weeks ago and were set to repeal it, but two Million Mom March members (Yes, there are still two of them) showed up at the following meeting and told the story of how their sister was killed by a home invader. (She never mentioned that all this happened in a gun free home, in an already "gun free" town and in a tightly gun controlled state by a felon that was already barred from owning a gun). They begged the city to keep it's ban in memory of their sister. Never mind that pesky constitution, these people know what's best for you.

As a result of their story they postponed the vote for two weeks.

Last night, after realizing that the suit was actually going to proceed, they finally decided that they couldn't afford the lawyers fees in a losing cause, anecdotal stories nonwithstanding. Personally, I'd be willing to bet that Daley in neighboring Chicago had also made a few phone calls trying desperately to find somebody, anybody, else to join him for the court fight.

One aldercritter's big concern was that the city council not allow anyone to open a gun store in Evanston. She thought that would help stop criminals from having access to guns. Really, people like this actually get voted into office all the time and I'm amazed they can even operate simple machinery like a toilet or screwdriver without instructions.

So far that's 3 Chicago suburbs that would rather switch than fight.

Here's the Tribune story and a TV clip on it.

Last night, after realizing that the suit was actually going to proceed, they finally decided that they couldn't afford the lawyers fees in a losing cause, anecdotal stories nonwithstanding.

Every leftist extremist knows the plural of "anecdote" is "data." Worked for Lenin, didn't it?
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