Excellent article on the last hope for African wildlife.

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Staff member
Jan 28, 2003

The worst thing possible for the animals are NGO's, animal rights organizations, clueless, celebrities and wanna be do gooder billionaires.

HUNTERS yes hunter are the last and only hope. Same as everywhere we want wildlife and wild country to remain in healthy sustainable numbers.

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Hunting and the monies derived from it have been the motivation for the continued existence and habitat for many animals. Hunting has also been the motivation for the introduction (good and bad) of non-native species to many areas.

NGO's, animal rights organizations, clueless, celebrities and wanna be do gooder billionaires could do much more for wild animals if they were informed and used common sense instead of emotions.
if they were informed and used common sense instead of emotions.

And therein lies the problem. These people and their misspent emotional capitol are loving wild animals to death.
I agree 100%.

Hunting is one of many issues that has been put in the average person's psyche as being "bad" based almost entirely on emotion.

Take, for example our western forests. Some treehuggers saw a little disturbance from logging, and eventually they got public land logging pretty well stopped or at least so over-regulated that it doesn't make much monetary sense to even become a logger.

Now look at our forests. Massive beetlekill. Record breaking wildfires every year. But at least there ain't no skidder tracks for some hippie to cry over!

Hunting is much like logging. Do it sensibly and it will sustain and improve resources for our children. Don't do it at all, yeah we've seen what happens.
I'd like to make a clarification to my last post:

There is a big difference between logging and OVER-logging.

Logging is good. Leave some trees standing. Logging roads and landing areas reclaim themselves in a short time.

Clear cutting a whole mountainside (or poach a whole herd of elephants) is not so good.
There is a big difference between logging and OVER-logging.

Logging is good. Leave some trees standing. Logging roads and landing areas reclaim themselves in a short time.

Clear cutting a whole mountainside (or poach a whole herd of elephants) is not so good.


Conservation is about wise use and careful management.
But with the clear understanding that if it is to be perpetuated, it HAS to managed. The bunny-huggers think we can just leave everything alone and it will perpetuate itself. That and they seem to think that humans are aliens from another planet, that we have no right to be part of the ecosystem and should live like ruminants.
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