Exiting Your Vehicle

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Dec 23, 2002
Hey folks.

Sometimes all I do is throw the pur...erm...urban daypack on the passenger seat and when I exit the vehicle, just grab it and go.

Then there are the days I have water bottles, receipts, sunglasses, groceries, more receipts, cell phone, etc. strewn about. And sometimes it'll take me a half minute or so to gather all my junk when exiting the vehicle.

Just wondering how you folks gather all your junk while keeping your wits about when exiting the vehicle?

I try to keep everything in one place in as few bags as possible then worry about reorganizing when I get home. Maybe keep the engine running while I gather everything up. What about you?
I keep my door shut, the car running and the transmission in gear(may be reverse). doors locked and all. I usually sweep everything into my center console that hasta come out, so I can grab a handful of...whatever and go.
Well, the interior of my daily driver is a study in 'organized chaos'*, so the items I need immediately are at hand to grab and go in one bundle. So on parking, for me its scan the surroundings for threats, shut down the engine, pull the keys, then go while locking to door on the way out. Done in NMT 8 seconds from taking my foot off the brake at stopping.

Yes, years ago some friends noted that I was out of the car and waiting while they were still taking off the seat belts, but its not my fault they are sluggards and layabouts, is it? :D

* the apparent disorder is in reality a temporal, stratalogical and three dimensional filing system. Old stuff in the back, at the bottom, more recent found on the floor or stuffed 'tween the seats. Culled every two weeks and either resinged to the bit bucket or tomes.
Skunk makes an excellent point, you are most vulnerable to attack when entering/exiting a vehicle, particularly when your arms are full.
Put your junk in the trunk ... its much easier to retrieve items from the trunk and maintain situational awareness/tactical preparedness then it is to climb out of a car with your arms full all awkward and off balance.

If you have a large trunk, keep a box or something back there so all your stuff is in one place (and you don't have to climb into the trunk to get that one item that rolled up to the back of the back seat).
Pull into parking space. Scan 360 using mirrors, double check blind spots.
Grab the 1911 safety off, finger on trigger, gun pointed straight up, crack open door.
Using mirror I broke off a 1963 Chevy pickup and screwed to a piece of galvinized pipe I check under the truck for BGs that might have jumped under there at the last second.
If clear I holster the 1911 and grab the 870 racking a shell into the chamber as I slowly exit the vehicle...scanning constantly. I duck walk to the back of the vehicle so I can "slice the pie" in both directions if there are vehicles next to mine.
I leap frog from one point of cover to the other, scanning 360 degrees constatnly until I can safely enter the store. Being sure to keep one eye on customers that might attack and the other eye on the door for potential invaders and hostage takers.

Jeez, just get out of the dang car already. Don't over analize everything.

I liked Smoke's, but practice Zundfolge's method out of habit. I would rather be standing at the trunk than leaning over into the passenger sections.

I don't do much more than notice who is around, and no great preparation other than when something looks really suspicious.
If im exiting my vehicle in a area that makes me feel that uncomfortable, Im going to either not exit my vehicle and leave, or just grab my backpack and not worry about cleaning up misc piles of junk and water bottles off the front seat. If I have arrived home, usually I have everything piled on the front pasenger seat of my truck, I get out, go check the mail box, and on the way back, I grab the backpack and scoop everything up off the seat. While I am aware, Im not usually expecting major threats in a empty neighborhood in the late evening. If I did see something as I arrived home that made me feel uncomfortable, then of course I would leave everything in the car, and revert to Smoke's methodology to arrive at my front door safely :).
I usually look around before I park, then not worry about it. I'll get out of the car first if I have a bunch of loose stuff to gather up.

For some people this should be more of a concern than normal. At the risk of being accused of sexism, a woman who parks, takes a while to balance the check book or whatever, gets out and puts her purse on top of the minivan while leaning in and unbuckling junior from the back seat is turning her back on a lot of potential problems. Unfortunately the only advice I've heard on how to do it better is to stay in the locked vehicle while taking the kids out of the seat. In some cars that is difficult.

I guess it comes down to situational awareness.
I've used Smokes approach ...

Sometimes I make Mario Andretta proud ...I just can't resist one more pass in the gravel parking lot, got them folks stepping and fetching, like their rear-ends are on fire, trying to dodge all that gravel being thrown ...BGs can't attack me that way.

5 points if you guess the Song and Artist. :p
But you butchered it so badly ...
Uneasy Rider by Charlie Daniels Band (edit: darn, I'sa beat to it)

I've found that emptying a few magazines through your door helps cut down on being surprised when you exit the car. And helps with the whole airflow.
Seriously...Yes I know it is a valid concern.

I've BTDT , Same reasons for why I use CCWs for home defence. From Life Experiences , my concerns are entering, leaving or answering the door to the abode. I'm still here ain't I ...must have done something right.

First - I travel light.

I see some folks carry more crap to go buy milk at the corner Quik Mart - than I used for 9 nine days out in the middle of the wilds of Canada- hiking , portaging and such.

Next. I use my brain w-a-y before I get to the parking lot to park - or to to my vehicle to leave. I take it ALL in.

Exiting - I scan , I exit in an assertive manner. Then I retrieve my backpack or whatever , it goes on weak side shoulder.

When I take mom shopping - we pull up in her drive and she knows by golly we are gonna get the front door unlocked and her inside ....we ain't gonna have any diddle - daddlying once I stop in her driveway.

She has learned to gather her purse, umbrella and be ready to exit....her times are bit slow, but she is getting older...

Then I go back once she is safe inside and retrieve groceries or whatever.

When you have those person's that suspect because of the business you are / were in ....and want what you have access to , add kidnapping being a preferred method...you develope some habits.

Besides - I have entered a home and had folks to greet me. I have had the Car race across the parking lot at me, I have had the guys try to run me off the road, been through the "tuck and roll" at a stoplight...and I have been b/t my vehicle and the home/ business....and ran like hell to safety.

At 49 and a bit out of shape....I'd rather not run with a 60 # bat belt .

I do keep the infamous Coke Bottle up front ....ask Preacherman. :p
The trick is to throw open the door and do a front shoulder roll to clear the 'fatal funnel' and take cover behind the engine block of the next car over.

As stated, once the area checks out as clear, THEN go get the groceries. But be careful.

If it's "too quiet" it is probably a trap. Immediately toss the thermite grenade I know you have on your belt into the cab, zero out the crypto on your cell phone and commence your E&E plan.
carebear and I seem to have the same 'tactical vehicle evacuation' drill... and damn if those parking attendants here in the city look at you funny as they dodge WilliePete's...

Makes Valet parking almost an Olympic sport...
When pulling into a parking space i scan my surroundings.

Park the car.

look around somemore.

shut down motor.

Unlock, get out, look and listen, lock door and shut.

this all takes about 30sec or so, most of it's done on the go.

If i have anything to grab i organize it either while in the car or when i put it in there. If a have a lot of stuff i make extra trips, i always keep my "business" hand free while on the way to and from the house. I generally dont try and get out with stuff unless it's small, like a bottle of water or pop or somthing.
Mostly in line at the DMV, at long stoplights, that sort of thing.....

Late at night is for "best gun for _________" questions. :D
How do I exit my vehicle?
Usually, my driver/EP (exec. protection) member opens the back passenger door for me and I get out while the rest of the team scans the area from their respective positions near the car. I know it's usually a safe place because at least a half hr. before the advance team has checked the place out and provided the appropriate security, including if necessary, countersnipers at several vantage points or a van with additional members armed with mp5k's.

:neener: :neener:

...and that's just for a ride to the nearby Starbucks!

Seriously, I don't lose any sleep on this matter. A little commonsense and not being in condition white should get you through.

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