Experiences with the "Youth Shooting Sports Alliance"

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May 19, 2008
My rifle club has been sent a questionnaire by the "Youth Shooting Sports Alliance" asking for information about our youth activities, apparently so they can help us promote those activities. We are not at all familiar with this organization and I've been tasked to research it a bit.

Here is their website:


I've done some web searching (and THR archive searching) and all I can really find is that it's a fairly new organization formed by mostly US gun industry companies and executives in order to promote youth shooting activities. It is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, but appears to have similar membership to the industry lobbying group National Shooting Sports Foundation (I do not know if there is any direct relationship between YSSA and NSSF). So far that sounds OK, but the devil is in the details, and I would like to know:

1) What reputation, if any, the YSSA has developed so far - is it honest, decent, really focused on education or more of a marketing program?

2) What interactions anyone reading this post has had with YSSA, especially in the context of a shooting club.

My club has a range of existing youth activities and is very pro-youth-education, but we are also skeptical and our events stay busy with our current modest level of publication, so we need to know whether it's worth our time to interact with YSSA, and whether there will be any drawbacks if we do.

Thanks in advance!
One bump, just hoping someone might have had some interaction with this organization. (I won't bump this again.)

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