Explain shooting requirement for TX CHL

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You will be surprised at how easy the shooting portion is...
I made a smiley face last time...
The ol' lady scored perfect, and she is not a regular shooter.
Thanks, that was very helpful.

I'm kinda nervous - can I use my laser sight to help me out?

No laser.

Don't be nervous. If you can shoot at all you will have no trouble.

I've been saying the shooting is so easy that you can pass with your eyes closed, so I tried it.:D (home range)

I decided not to shoot at 15 yards, so I gave away those 50 points. (I used the old qualification target, I haven't any new ones yet)
Before every shot or string of shots I started with the gun lowered and my eyes closed and kept my eyes closed through the entire string of shots.

I passed with 4 points to spare.:D

Thanks for all the advice. I went to Pasadena gun range and ran through them - it was much easier than I though. After the 7 yards I had a 198 (I lost 2 points by making only 3 on one of the 7 yard ones). I think I finished with something around 240.

I basically unloaded 10 shots at a time - way faster than the test required. I'm not that nervous anymore, assuming the sun isn't in my eyes or something weird (it'll be at 5 PM).

I'm going again today just to make sure :)
I've been saying the shooting is so easy that you can pass with your eyes closed, so I tried it. (home range)

Man that is just too funny LOL.

I've been saying for years that they should pretty much do away with that portion of the exam since it was so easy or at least accept alternate sources of proof like an NRA class or just about anything else.

Would save so much money rather than administering this bizarre program currently in place with the weird qualification and requirement to only use certain ranges.

That's great :)
I have had my permit since 1996 - the first year of the permits. I have taken that silly class 4 times now (3 renewals).

Anyway - on 1 of the renewals, there was an old lady in her 70s that had never even held a gun before. The instructor let her borrow a Glock 17. This CHL class is not a place to learn how to use a gun for the 1st time. But, the instructor humored her.

Anyway - this old lady, who had never even held a gun before, passed. I always thought the requirements should be 1 more than what that lady got.

If you can get a decent score at 3 and 7 yards, U can actually miss all the 15 yards shots and still pass.

Don't worry - if U can hit a sihloette target - U can pass.

Strangely enough, the last time I took the class - the target has changed a bit. Now, U no longer get a lot of points on a head shot. They want you to shoot at center of mass.

I typically got 242 to 245. I used 1911s most of the time. I used my P99 A/S 9mm the last renewal, and I finally got a 250.
It's easy beyond belief. I'm no Billy the Kid but shot 248 of 250. As said earlier, if you fail the shooting portion, you, and everyone in the surrounding county, are probably better off if you don't have a gun. Don't worry it's (nearly) impossible to fail.
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