Extreme Smuggling: Weapons

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Oct 16, 2009
Parts Unknown
I can't wait to see the negative and liberal views this program is going to portray.

3 minutes in and they have two talking heads from the ATF saying that "America is armed to the teeth." Stating that "legally owned weapons are daily transported between states were they can be sold to criminals, neo-nazis, terrorists and mentally unstable individuals."

Oh brother...:barf:
Link to the video? And maybe if the police would do their job and stop people from breaking into the houses of citizens and stealing their guns, criminals wouldn't be "armed to the teeth" in the first place. I blame law enforcement almost just as much as the criminals.
Quote: " if the police would do their job and stop people from breaking into the houses of citizens and stealing their guns,"

It's Not their job at all.... It's the citizens job. Hence the 2A.
Hard to defend your property if you aren't home Skeeziks. Burglars are smart, they always check for cars in the driveway or cameras or open windows. It kinda is the police's job to stop crime. They need to be a bit more pro-active in most states. That being said, the police here in Iowa are amazing at their jobs...so I certainly won't toss them under the bus.
Quote: "Hard to defend your property if you aren't home."

I can't expect the cops to watch my house every time I go out. That's what the security system is for.
Direct TV 278

Rerun at 11:00Central time

Praise Bloomberg for the way he sued store owners and sued individuals for selling firearms that ended up in NYC.
After the commercial it looks like they are going to try and spin the Fast&Furious operation.

I can't watch this ATF jock riding session anymore.
And maybe if the police would do their job and stop people

You have a gross misunderstanding of what police are here to do and what they're capable of and what their responsibility under the law might be. You have now reason to expect them to be able to stop anything.

maybe I was being a little unfair.

No, emotional and illogical, but that perspective and opinion are held by far too many people that think they're supposed to be taken care of.

People in our area are known sometimes not to switch on their home security systems. We finally had two burglaries in the development because of this.

The police can't force naive suburban fools to push a single button before they walk into the garage and leave.
And in stark contrast, some of the newer systems have some software bugs and go off at random when people are out of town. Deputies get really tired of having to respond, and are probably de-sensitized to so many false alarms due to many reasons.
They showed a sting operation where ATF sold guns and grenades to a Mexican cartel. As the cartel were loading the weapons into their cars, ATF rushed in and made arrest.

Now, here the funny part. They stated twice that they would never have allowed the guns to go across the border. Yeah right. Does Fast and Furious ring a bell. Just tell the truth. ATF shipped weapons to the cartel and allowed one of our boarder agents to be killed with one. Anyone heard any thing else about how the investigation is going. No, and you wont. They will just feed you more lies about how they are getting the guns of the street. How about starting in Chicago? Plenty of illegal guns there. But their option is to take all guns from everyone, at least that is what they want if we allow them.
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