Facebook Poll

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The correct answer is no because the question is flawed.
The Second Amendment doesn't give the citizens anything. It restricts the gov't from fiddling with a God-given right (or it's supposed to anyway).
And as might be noticed, the ones who vote 'No' are the ones who rarely state a position, while most the 'Yes' votes state fairly rationally why 'Yes'.
The few that give a statement don't give a rational answer. One was "Guns = Bad"
Meh, I left facebook last year when they started removing accounts for merely posing with firearms.

And also I don't believe this poll is representative of the whole facebook population, there is no way in hell that many are pro 2a.

You should look at my facebook page then. I even have videos of me shooting guns that my girlfriend recorded.
I do have an account, but for the most part, facebook is like a bunch of kids arguing in elementary school...

if you go to my account send me some stuff for my garden.. LOL
Don't friend people who might report you and they won't do anything about it. There aren't facebook police looking for violations, but if someone sent an email complaint about them being threatening they would be removed. Shortly after VT, this happened to me as well as some people I know and it was the last straw for me. Their official policy in their email stated that pictures must be shown in a sporting context, i.e. shooting at the range or what not. I had some pictures posing with guns, none were pointed at anyone, all safety rules were observed, and I had smiles on my faces.

Am I saying facebook accounts with gun posers don't exist? Of course not, image uploading undergoes no screening process, the enforcement comes only through direction of other users.

If you are suggesting that facebook is somehow not anti-2a, or that I am somehow lying about this, I am going to have to disagree wholeheartedly on both accounts.

Facebook is not our friend. They are anti-gun, and one poll which has for now only circulated through mainly pro-gun circles does not change this fact.

Granted they may have toned this down now that VT has been behind us for a bit, but I really don't care to renew my account and find out. Being threatened with account suspension for something non-threatening and completely legal while hundreds of thousands of other college student pages show clear evidence of underage drinking (something which IS illegal) without even getting so much as a warning is the kind of thing that pisses me off.

I'm glad your facebook page is able to represent your interests. Keep your privacy settings to the max and your friends list brief.
I don't friend people I don't know. I especially don't friend people I dislike, which happens to be a large number of people (A majority, you might say).

One great thing about Facebook is their group SCCC. Reading what is posted there brings a smile to my face.
I have pics with guns on mine. If it gets deleted for that reason, it won't really bother me. Only took about 5 minutes to make.

Now, Myspace on the other hand, they've deleted a friend of mine's account a few times. Best reason we can figure out is pics of guns and explosives (he's a combat engineer in the USMC.)
Have to agree with Deer Hunter, SCCC alone makes Facebook worth using for me. Which BTW is now over 20,000 members strong. If I can introduce some college students to safe firearm handling thru Facebook I'm all for it. Some friends have already shown intrest in learning more about firearms because of my Facebook page.
That number is surprising to me. I figured the demographic of facebook would be largely younger and less likely to be pro firearms. Perhaps there is hope yet ;)
I agree with DoubleTapDrew up near the top. Rights aren't granted, they are either acknowledged or infringed upon. To say that rights are given or granted by a document is ridiculous.
That's the wonderful thing about social networking sites, they're frightfully democratic and surprisingly close to accurate in regard to demographics, because it's all voluntary and nobody can shut you up. The media underreports firearms owners, and villifies them. But when we're around each other, we discover we are legion!

Also, anybody curious, I'm the Loremaster on most of the gun groups. Hi!
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