facts on Obama's voting record

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Gun control

Don't forget to check out John McCain's record on gun control.
He voted to ban private sales of firearms at gun shows. He also tried to
pass legislation that would mandate all guns in Arizona be locked up in people's own houses.

Neither one of them is great on gun issues but we will have a better chance with McCain. He will not have half of his support pushing him to go anti and ban all but BB guns. It will not be easy though, he will be a very high maintenance President and will take constant work to keep him from caving to the anti’s.
No argument that neither is on our side, but Obama with a filibuster proof majority in the Senate could due far more damage to us than the Clinton's could ever dream of.


"Neither one of them is great on gun issues but we will have a better chance with McCain. "

Yeah, at least until his Manchurian candidate syndrome kicks in and then goes for the total ban. He cozies up too close to Hillary and Lieberman for my taste.

The media says, "Choose your poison. Mac or the 'Baam."

"The media would never lie to anybody; would they?"
Is McCain an ideal candidate for RKBA, absolutely not. However, when compared to Obama, McCain has supported majority of bills in the Senate in regard to RKBA. As to Obama, he supported only one: retired cops carrying concealed. This was his only deviation from his otherwise perfect anti-gun record.

Let's not make mistake comparing Obama to McCain.
The 1994 Assault weapons ban and the mag capacity restriction turned Congress Republican. They Dems got a big lesson on that one. I don't think they are stupid enough to try again, but I may be wrong, they can be pretty stupid at times just like the Repubs.
Activism, folks. We need a specific action people can take. "Here are some good links" is not enough.
Well, due to the links and seeing this thread, I just sent an email to everyone on my email list with that info - I'd say that it's implicitly quite helpful to activism. Just my opinion. :shrug:
I agree that this thread is useful.

Links with good, clear concise information that I have sent out to my friends to send out to their friends to send out......

Well worth the space it occupies.
Keep in mind, when reading some of the above posts, and considering some of the posters, that part of the Democrats' strategy for the past seven years is convincing us to vote for anyone but a republican, or to just stay home. Either one is a win for the Democrats.

McCain will be allowed to do less damage to the supreme court. Obama will be encouraged to do a LOT of damage. To me, that makes it a clear choice.
McCain will be allowed to do less damage to the supreme court. Obama will be encouraged to do a LOT of damage. To me, that makes it a clear choice.

Very good point! The left has been trying to legislate from the Bench for years. Obama will appoint far left loons to the SCOTUS, McCain's will be more conservative for sure.
I don't consider myself an activist, but here is my suggestion for activision.

I think we need to educate those we know about where the candidates stand, and to do that we need to know for ourselves. I'm sure we all know many people who perhaps hunt or own guns but otherwise don't follow the issues closely, and may be caught up in the "Obama is our savior" cult. I know some union guys like this, especially.

No, McCain is far from perfect and I for one am disapointed that he's the nominee, but the reality is that his voting record is really pretty good. Other than the gun show thing and campaign finance, he's with us. He has even publicly stated his opposition to an AWB, more than we can say for Bush.

Also, I heard it repeated many times that the Democrats lost in '94 because of the AWB and they will never try that again. Do you really think that they have changed their collective minds on the issue? They are biding their time; make no mistake, if they get all three houses we are in trouble.

The reality is that although public opinion has changed a little in our favor over the last few years, the majority still favors "reasonable" gun control. I saw a poll that said just over half of Americans think gun laws are just right or too strict, and just under half think we need more gun control.

That is somewhat misleading because a lot of people think the laws are stricter than they are. They watch CSI or whatever and think all guns are registered, etc.. I was talking to a coworker recently and he asked how hard it is to legally buy a gun. When I told him that private sales are legal without a background check, and guns are not registered (in Oregon at least), he was shocked, and said we need better gun control! This is a guy who likes guns and wants to buy one!

I know this forum is more for specific activism, and appologize if my post is out of place, but we really need to get the word out that the fight is not over, the gun banners have not given up, and a vote for Obama is a vote for gun control!

Please read the requirements for this subforum.

It is NOT a political discussion forum.

It IS a forum for presenting coherent plans supporting RKBA that others can use in their efforts to support RKBA.

There is no question that the Democratic candidate for President of the US is the greater threat to RKBA in the upcoming presidential election. There's not much point in discussing that.

What we do need to discuss is what specific plans are to help people understand exactly how great a threat he is.
Call McCain's office (202-224-2235) and tell his staffer you will not tolerate his attacks on the 2nd amendment through his attempts at banning private sales at gun shows and his 'gun lock' legislation.

Is McCain 'Able'? No....
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