Fairfax VA – FRGC 2012 High Power Rifle Spring League Match Bulletin

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Sep 26, 2006
trying to stay focused on the righteous path
Fairfax VA – FRGC 2012 High Power Rifle Spring League Match Bulletin

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 11:51 AM
Subject: Fairfax Rod & Gun Club - High Power Rifle Spring League - 2012


Attached to this e-mail is the 2012 High Power Rifle Spring League Match Bulletin.

* We strongly encourage team competition, the entry fees have been structured to reflect that. Competing as a team instead of as an individual will save you some $. If you want to shoot on a team and you do not have one, you can be assigned to a team by contacting the Stat Officer, Linda Edmonston at: [email protected] when e-mailing Linda for a team assignment be sure to include your classification and what day you prefer to shoot.

* If you have participated in Spring League at Fairfax R&GC during the past 3 years you do NOT need to submit an SR-1 card. If any of your information has changed since last time you signed up for Spring League notify the Stat Officer via e-mail.
* If you have NOT participated in Spring League during the past 3 years, you must complete an SR-1 card (attached); when entering your information please indicate your e-mail address on the bottom of the first side and turn it in with your entry fee or e-mail it to the Stat Officer.

* Team Captains - Please bring your check for $120 and SR-1 cards (if applicable) and the names of those on your team to the work/shoot or Match #1. Fairfax R&GC is tightening up on the submission of match fees and we do not have the flexibility that we had in the past. Prompt payment is required.
* To update your information or submit your SR-1 via e-mail contact the Stat Officer: Linda Edmonston at: [email protected]

See you on the firing line,
Alan Willard
Tom Edmonston

P.S. At the clinic a couple of weeks ago a gentleman brought an M1A that he would like to sell, if it was you or if you can put me in touch with him please contact me. I may have a buyer.


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 6:41 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Spring League High Power Rifle Registration

Shooters: I heard from Linda "the Stat Officer" that she has been receiving registrations via e-mail that are incomplete and somewhat confusing. I asked her to write up an e-mail to send to y'all explaining exactly what she needs. See below for the information. Please sign up via e-mail at your earliest convenience so we won't have to delay starting the matches on Saturday and Sunday morning.

Spring League 2012 HP Shooters -


We are expecting a good turnout for this year's HP Spring League and would appreciate it if you would forward the Stat Officer an email ([email protected]) as soon as possible letting us know of your intention to shoot this season. Since we anticipate good turnout we need to hear from you, BEFORE MARCH 10TH to reserve the day you want to shoot on, as it will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

TEAMS - We would like the team captain to confirm the day that your team prefers, the name of the team and the name of the members on the team. Please forward the SR-1 cards for new shooters on your team or provide the below information as soon as possible to the Stat Officer. Team payment will be due no later than the first match the team shoots. (If paying by check, please make check out to FRGC).

Individuals - All Individuals will be placed on teams. If you have participated in the past 3 years please email the Stat Officer with your name, and date preferred. If you are a new shooter please forward the completed SR-1 card ASAP or provide the following information to the Stat Officer, so that we can find a team for you.

Street Address:
Date of Birth:
Day: Sat or Sun (only select 1)
Team Name:
Category: Senior, Civilian, Service, Woman, Junior (delete all that do not apply- leave only 1)
Course Classification:Unclassified, Hi-Master, Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman (delete all that do not apply - leave only 1)
Type of Rifle: Match, Service (only select 1)

SCORE CARDS - Once payment has been received, shooters will receive the corresponding number scorecards. It is essential that shooters do not lose these cards, as as you will be charged for replacements. Also - shooters must declare BEFORE shooting whether they are shooting a match or a practice. If shooting a match, the shooter must use the card that has been issued to them at time of payment, stamped "MATCH". If the shooter wishes to shoot a practice then a new card must be purchased for $10 from the Stat Officer the day of shooting with a designation for practice.

Since we anticipate a good turn out this year, we encourage you to stick to your assigned day. Shooters shooting on their assigned days will be given preference for squadding and we can not guarantee space for those that are not assigned to shoot on that day.

Thanks for your support!
From: Linda Edmonston [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 8:58 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: 2012 Spring League

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 08:55:38 -0500
2012 Spring League Competitors,

We are pleased to say that over the last 3 years we have generated a lot of interest in shooting. At this point in time Saturday is completely full and we will only be excepting additional entries for Sundays. We do realize, however, that not all people will be able to make every Saturday that they have been allocated. In cases where we may have an opening, we will fill empty slots on a "Stand by" basis after all teams have been squadded. If you do show up on a Saturday for which you have not been registered, we will have a sign-in sheet. Please sign your name and as positions become available, we will fill the slots on first come first serve basis. Sunday remains relatively light and we encourage people to take advantage of that opportunity.

Attached please find this year's roster and Team listing. Please review the "Verification PDF" and let us know of any errors or omissions. Check the attached "Teams PDF" to make sure your team information is correct and let us know if there are any errors there as well. Please note this year, we have a good number of unclassified new shooters and per NRA rule 19.2 they have been classified as Masters. We will be applying NRA rule 19.14 (Temporary Classification) to reclassify these competitors utilizing their scores from Matches 1 and 2. This will obviously alter the team classification as well.

In order make things run smoothly this first weekend, only the Team Captain or one representative from each team will be allowed to pay for and collect score cards. This will minimize the number of people trying to pay and receive cards. This person will collect all fees from each member of the team and then proceed to the Harbin house (located behind the range) to pay for the team. Once paid he will receive 4 score cards for each member of the team. These are the cards that will be used throughout the Spring League. Should any of these cards be lost, a $2 fee will be collected for each replacement. Note: The cards are all stamped with a "MATCH" indication. Should you want to shoot a Practice Match, please see the Stat Officer who will provide you with a separate card for this purpose. There will be a $5 fee for each Practice cards. All cards turned in with out "MATCH" stamped at the top and bottom, will be treated as practice scores.

We were able to put teams together for those of you that registered as Individuals. We put teams together on a first come, first served basis with at least one experienced shooter. For those of you that have been placed on a team your entry fee will be $30 per shooter, $120 for the team, if paid one time as a team as requested above. If you insist on paying separately or if we were unable to place you on a team the entry fee will be $40 per shooter.

Saturday will be quite busy and we encourage you to show up early to coordinate with your team and arrange payment of your fees with the Stat officer. Squadding will begin right after the National Anthem at 8:15 and end promptly at 8:30. We plan to arrive at the range at 7:30 so the gate will be up at that time.


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 10:20 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Spring League High Power Teams List - Attached

2012 Spring League Competitors,

Saturday's are full, there is plenty of room for Sunday shooters. Sunday shooters, remember to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night.

We put teams together on a first come, first served basis with at least one experienced shooter on each team. Contact Linda right away if you have any issues. For those of you that have been placed on a team your entry fee will be $30, $120 for the team. Those registering as individuals, the league fee is $40. See the attached teams list, the asterick indicates the team captain. Team captains need to collect the entry fees from team members and collect scorecards Saturday/Sunday morning. If paying by check, make it out to Fairfax Rod and Gun Club.

This year, we have many unclassified new shooters and per NRA rule 19.2 they have been classified as "Master". We will be applying NRA rule 19.14 (Temporary Classification) to reclassify those competitors utilizing their scores from Matches 1 and 2. This may alter the team classification as well.

When you receive your scorecards, you will notice that the scorecards are all stamped with "MATCH". If you want to shoot a practice match, see the Stat Officer for a practice scorecard. All scorecards turned in without "MATCH" stamped at the top and bottom, will be treated as practice scores.

See you on the firing line,
Alan Willard
Tom Edmonston
Linda Edmonston
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