Favored digital scale?

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I have the micro touch 1500. It is right on when I check it with check weights. I haven't had any drift problems yet. I really like the scale. I have the Gen 5 powder system and it also checks right on every time with the check weights. I do use anti-static wipes on them and I have them plugged into a sine wave filtered ups for power. I have a cell phone next to them and it has not caused any problems for the scales. I am very pleased with the Lyman scales.
Just recently had to replace my RCBS unit as it went on the fritz, bought the Cabelas offering for $79 used it twice and returned it because it would vary about +- .2 grains. Traded it in for a Lyman Accu-touch 2000 and so far it has been spot on. I only use the electronic as a double check for my balance beam. I would never trust one as an only source but that's just me.;)
I had a RCBS 750 digital scale and an RCBS 505 beam scale, I returned the RCBS 750 and kept the 505 beam because, as someone termed earlier in this thread "gravity don't lie"
Having just spent most of New Years Eve and this morning loading/charging cases with my Gempro 250 I have to add:

I loaded years ago with my RCBS beam scale and it was top notch and accurate. I still have it. Nothing wrong with the tried and true beam scale. I returned to shooting/loading 30 years later and started with my beam scale and bought a digital and a brand new set of check weights and loaded and compared the two side by side when loading .32 acp where +/- .10 is just not close enough. When checking the charged cases side by side for .02 gr. accuracy the digital beats the beam hands down. If you only need .1 gr. accuracy and use ball powders then a beam is way fine. I frequently charge 50 cases and then randomly dump one after the other onto the scale after a finicky check with check weights all around the weight I am weighing.

If you are using a flake powder (I use Unique exclusively) and are loading small calibers at the upper end of pressure and accuracy and hand weigh *every* charge the digital shines in speed and accuracy so far beyond the beam it is not even a close race for me. So, it depends on what you want and what calibers you load and what powders you use. Different demands will demand different equipment - we all use/should use what works best for us in our situation.

That added: without a check weight set and without using it to check/verify linearity and accuracy yer just guessing and hoping the scale has not changed calibration on you. Beams? Not likely if you haven't dropped it or let it get abused. Digitals? If they change calibration (and they can go bad....) and you have not verified that yer check weight set reads 2 gr. when it's a 2 gr. weight and 20 when it's a 20 gr. weight, how would you know it's off?

I trust my digital but verify the accuracy with check weights before, during, and after charging cases.

I can tell you what NOT to get. I have a Hornady GS-1500 that drifts something fierce.
a good Digital for under $100, you would have better luck getting a pro-gun bill passed by the Whitehouse. you're going to want a scale the doesn't need to be wiped down with antistatic wipes , something that a phone or lights wont mess up , or go wacky from a slight breeze, not happening for under $100.00
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