Federal FliteControl loads for HD?

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Apr 8, 2003
I picked up a Benelli M2 a few years ago for home defense, but soon after that I lost my home for a dorm room in Korea courtesy of the military. Alas, I finally have a home again and I'm starting to implement the home defense measures.

At the center of that plan is the shotgun. Hunker down, call the cavalry and man the Benelli. I added a Surefire forend so that I wouldn't have to handle a light separately. Now, I realize bolt on crap is more often than not...crap, but this thing is bright and I really think I can use it.


Anyway, the whole point here was to pick up some defensive buckshot to stock it with. After some research I ran across the Federal buckshot loads with the FliteControl Wad (FCW). From all the literature I read, it's an odd little thing. Petals at the base of the wad to keep the wad and shot paired longer than normal resulting in tighter groups at distance. Needless to say, I was doubtful! Double-ought isn't known for tight groups especially in the 15-25 yards range.

There are a few versions of the Federal Vital-Shok 00 buck load utilizing the new FCW. The two I tested are the standard velocity load (1325 fps) and the low recoil load (1145 fps). Both are 9 pellet copper plated loads. I didn't get a chance to chronograph them, but I'm sure it's a bit less than advertised velocity through the short Benelli M2 barrel.



Wad after firing.

On to the data!

I tested three loads: standard Federal 00 buck as a control load, FliteControl Wad 00 buck Low Recoil, and standard velocity FliteControl Wad 00 buck.

I shot 5 shots of each load at a target at 15 yards (median distance of my casa) from an unsupported position holding directly on the center of the target. The gun was choked improved cylinder.


Looking at the chart, the control load (standard Federal 00 buck) averaged nearly 8" groups with only 2 of 5 wads hitting the paper target...so the wad is separating fairly early from the shot. Also, two shots either lost pellets or they "stacked" and went through the same hole. Not a big deal in a defensive situation, but it makes hell for counting holes. ;)

Moving down to the low recoil FCW load, all five shots had 9 pellets on paper and 4 of 5 shots had the wad punch the paper target with an average group size of 3.9"....half of the standard buck. Recoil was extremely manageable also. The Benelli inertia guns, famous for not cycling with less than full power cycled every shell with ease. Gran they weren't tossed eight feet from the gun but there were no malfunctions due to the low recoil.

Finishing up with the standard FCW loads, only one shell lost a pellet with an avg group size of just under 5". That's an increase of 180 fps over the low recoil loads yet only one inch larger in group size. Not bad... Recoil was what I expected for a 00 buckshot load: firm. It was also very loud and I felt it would be a hindrance on follow up shots. Also, taking into consideration the fact that these loads would be fired indoors, I prefer the quieter low recoil load.

Eventually, I'll do more testing at dusk or night to see what type of muzzle flash they have.

Also of note, the wads of the FCW loads had a 90% strike rate on the paper target showing us that the wad is staying with the shot longer than with the standard buck enabling the tight groups that we're observing.

These are pics of the standard Federal 00 buck.





Now for the low recoil Federal FliteControl wad 00 buck.





Lastly, the standard velocity Federal FliteControl Wad 00 buck.





Hope ya learned something....I know I did.


PS, is it obvious my wife is out of town? LOL
Also, two shots either lost pellets or they "stacked" and went through the same hole.

My guess is they stacked.

Also, that white buffer material gets EVERYWHERE if one of the hulls was improperly sealed. PITA.

I use the standard velocity stuff in my gun.
My guess is they stacked.

I agree.

I'll second that the buffer is a PITA. It got everywhere.

Have you fired the standard velocity stuff indoors? I'm curious about the noise level. Of course, under duress you'll probably experience auditory exclusion, but that doesn't mean damage isn't occurring.

Looks like good stuff. I'd like to get some of the Federal low recoil 00 with flitecontrol. Ammunitiontogo recently had the LE stuff for a reasonable price but it's no longer in stock. The-armory.com has a small quantity, but the shipping charge is as much as the amminition itself. :eek:
Thanks for taking the time to post that!

I still need to put both of my HD shotguns on paper with the Federal flite-control reduced recoil 000 buck.

Knowing where your gun patterns is arguably most important when using a shotgun for self-defense
It works for me. All the 870 'house guns' here are stoked with either Federal LE127 00 or Hornady TAP FPD red hull 00, both of which are loaded with FliteControl wads. Once the last of the Hornady 'ages out' then all the defensive shotguns here will be loaded with the Federal load (after testing of course). I got ... a couple of cases ... while the getting was good.

The current project 870 here (a 1987 vintage Express gun with an 18 1/8" factory Police gun CYL bore barrel) will pattern the Federal load into less than 4" at 25 yards. Amazing stuff...

I bought 250rd of the Federal FC buckshot from Ammunitiontogo a few weeks ago. I haven't patterned it yet, because I am waiting on my form 4 to be approved.

I hear it's great ammo and I am planning on using it on my SBS.

Thank you for your excellent post, it was very informative (bookmarked for future reference).

I tested a number of loads in my 20" Mossberg 590 (open cylinder), also at 15 yards unsupported. My worst results (a Reminton 00 load I believe) resulted in 12" groups :barf:. The standard recoil Federal 00 with F.C. wad averaged about 4.75" IIRC, and the reduced recoil Federal Tacticle did about 4.5". Really impressive stuff. I went with the reduced recoil Tacticle, for the same reasons you did: reduced recoil for faster followups and less noise indoors.

Thanks again for posting!
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