FedEx Discount for NRA Draws LGBT, Anti-Gun Activist Rage

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Not to put to fine a point on it, White, leftwing Democrats are AFRAID of us.

They view us as dangerous and in need of control. They've TOLD me so when they thought I was White.

The Democrat Party was the party of slavery, secession, Jim Crow. lynching and Manzanar.

To a large extent, it still is. It would be foolish to imagine that such a party would want its past, present and future victims armed.

The nastiest people I've ever met in my life are mainly White leftist elites. For many of them, their gun control agendas are nothing more than politically-correct racism. A White anti-gun leftist once told my buddy and I how harmful guns are to the Black community and how hard it is growing up a Black man/woman in the projects. My buddy is a Black man who grew up in East Baltimore and is a gun owner who advocates for concealed carry in inner city communities. This anti-gun moron was trying to speak on behalf of a large group of people that don't necessarily agree with that anti-gun viewpoint, and tried to say it to the face of someone who had real-life experiences to the contrary. Extreme leftists are probably doing the same thing here with Fed-Ex, using specific cohorts as a means to an end. It is my hope that Fed-Ex realizes this.

Moving forward, I hope we, collectively as the 2A community, continue to emphasize and extend increasingly warm welcomes to people of all different backgrounds. Attitudes are changing and it makes me happy to see more and more people beginning to question extreme leftist gun control agendas, as they realize that bullets prevent bigotry.
The shame of it is they're impacting public perception as to what being gay really means. If I was a pro-2A gay guy, I'd be uber-pissed. They're effectively reinforcing the whole 'defenseless girly-man' stereotype that I imagine most gay males have to be pretty tired of.

Not just gay men. My sister is gay, and an avid shooter & hunter. She does not take kindly to the implication she should oppose gun rights because of her sexuality, or the notion that she should/must conform to anything else on that premise. She's not a man hater, she's not a feminist. She's just gay.
It's really the LLGBT crowd that hates the NRA. It's not even an undeclared war any longer.

They're just more riled up than usual since their standard bearer failed to make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

No, it is what independent minded gays refer to as the Gay Gestapo, trying to force one world view down the throats of gays.
I still don't understand how the discount deal works. Seems it's not a discount for all NRA members. Is it a discount for businesses where the owner of the business is an NRA member? How's it work and who is it for exactly?

Well, I signed up for it online a few days ago and absolutely nothing has happened. FedEx must still be reviewing my application.

I don't own a business, but if it gives me a discount on shipping handguns then I'm all for it.
I notice that in the long, long list of co-sponsors and supporting leftest groups that Black Lives Matter is conspicuously absent. Is this because their members need mail-order guns to commit their particular outrages against our law enforcement community ??
22250Rem, I am sure you also remember this? The Nazes offered the citizens protection from criminals. Hitler ask the public to turn in their firearms until crime was under control. Their arms were never returned. I can see Obama offering this option. I can also see many poorly educated Americans participating.:thumbdown:

Naw, I see "poorly educated 'Mericans" has hanging onto their arms to the bitter end... I see well educated University Elites trying to get everyone to turn in their arms ...

And, you'all know Michael Bloomberg is the biggest anti-2nd Amendment person on the planet, so what spin do you suppose his staff take when their paychecks are on the line ... If it's reported by Bloomberg, it is spun, pure and simple. Look somewhere else :)
Is a heavily armed population of Criminals/Illegals a good thing? I think they are the ones marching with Marxist banners and signs. I would prefer they kidnap Bloomberg and return to Mexico.:D
I find it rather hypocritical and moronic for all these liberals to paint Republicans as white, rich, racist, and people who discriminate against anyone who isn't like them while at the same time, the liberals discriminate against 2A supporters all the time and they think it is perfectly acceptable. It is one thing to be upset with 2A supporters if we were constantly protesting and trying to force others to adopt the gun culture, but 1) most 2A supporters are hard-working citizens and have jobs instead of being on welfare protesting every little thing like these anti-Trump crybabies and 2) the majority of 2A supporters just want the left to let us buy and own guns in peace. I don't care if someone wants nothing to do with guns so long as he/she doesn't try to force that upon me; likewise, I won't force my views upon them. The only difference is that I am backed by the 2A.

And for all the liberals who think America is so terrible because Trump was elected president, I say, "Here's the door... don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out." They are free to go to any other country and live elsewhere. Maybe they'd like Afghanistan or Siberia or somewhere in Europe; they should be happy to go to any of those countries if Trump is really that bad. Or perhaps they just fear that politicians in DC will be held accountable and the freebies from the government (paid for from the taxes on hard-working people) will be reduced. I just look at these anti-Trump protestors and wonder, "Who in the world has time to protest this much?" Democrats/liberals because decent people are at work paying taxes to write their welfare checks.
I find it rather hypocritical and moronic for all these liberals to paint Republicans as white, rich, racist, and people who discriminate against anyone who isn't like them while at the same time, the liberals discriminate against 2A supporters all the time and they think it is perfectly acceptable.

Well, in recent time, it seems to be working for our benefit. All of the ridiculous things regressives are saying are driving people to rethink who they support.

Now if only Rosie would leave the States like she promised. Rosie Watch 2017 thought they spotted her migrating towards Canada a few days ago, but this turned out to be a blue whale, so it was a false alert.

True Fact: 20% of greenhouse gas emissions come from Michael Moore after Taco Tuesday.
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