FedEx Discount for NRA Draws LGBT, Anti-Gun Activist Rage

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Maybe the LGBT members missed their history classes. The German Socialist Party AKA Nazis enlisted the minorities to take over the Democratic German Republic.
The Gays held high positions in government and the Military. When they became a liability they were executed along with other minorities. The LGBT of the 1930s thought they were attaining power also.:uhoh:
You are quite correct, Dog Soldier..... I've been saying for years that our country may well be conquered from within by these socialists whose method of operation is changing the government, the laws, and what we know and accept as "common knowledge". That's exactly what the German Socialists did; and they didn't do anything illegal.... They just changed the laws and the constitution to suit themselves. Just google "Enabling Act of 1933" sometime for a good example of this sort of stuff. There used to be lots of Germans in my area, which years ago was predominately German, (I'm half German). Lots of them had gotten out of Germany while the gettin' was still good, or had come to the States after WWII because of relatives here. Back in my youth; in the 1950's & 60's I learned a lot of stuff from folks who had seen it first hand in pre WWII Germany. Along with some good history lessons from those who had fled Hungary in 1956 when the Russians came rolling in and the Iron Curtain became a reality. It always struck me how people get to thinking that their socialist "people's hero" is so wonderful and kind and benevolent while he chips away at their rights and freedoms a little at a time in the name of "public safety" or " common sense" for the "public benefit" until they finally assume so much power that by the time the common people realize that they've been deceived; it's too late to do anything about it. Ask any surviving Cuban exile. It's a shame we don't seem to learn more from history. The people who related all those stories of their lives to me in my youth are all gone now, but if they could see some of the socialist, or communist, (take your pick) stuff occurring in America today it would be a safe bet they'd be rolling in their graves.
Maybe the LGBT members missed their history classes. The German Socialist Party AKA Nazis enlisted the minorities to take over the Democratic German Republic.
The Gays held high positions in government and the Military. When they became a liability they were executed along with other minorities. The LGBT of the 1930s thought they were attaining power also.:uhoh:

Once you give away your rights because those you signed them over to promised to protect you, you are basically screwed.
The thing about this that interesting is that right before the shootup in Orlando, the gun lobby, and supporters were starting to really embrace this group. Really as a group promoting real equality, im surprised it took so long. The reason for the violent backlash against gun owners following Orlando is precisely because of this. The politicians, and media tried hard to convince these people they were the victims of the gun lobby, knowing the gun lobby was trying to recruit them.
22250Rem, I am sure you also remember this? The Nazes offered the citizens protection from criminals. Hitler ask the public to turn in their firearms until crime was under control. Their arms were never returned. I can see Obama offering this option. I can also see many poorly educated Americans participating.:thumbdown:
I can see that option also. Along with millions of those poorly educated Americans voting themselves into complete dependence upon tyrants. But don't worry.... It's all in the name of "public safety" and for "the good of society", and "common sense reforms", etc. etc.. Reminds me of the old saying that "Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it".

I'll remind everyone that an Anti-2A LGBTQ group isn't exclusively representative of the LGBTQ community any more than the Pro-2A Pink Pistols or Blazing Sword is. There are Anti and Pro-2A parts of the community as there are LGBTQ parts of our 2A community. What plays well for the Antis and their allies is to represent one group or the other as exclusively Anti. What we need to do is point out the lie in this strategy and inform people of the LGBTQ Pro-2A groups like Pink Pistols and Blazing Sword so they understand that there's more fiction than fact to the Anti's claims even on this issue.
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I'm acquainted with a few gun owning LGBT types. To my knowledge, none of them have ever expressed outrage with FedEx, except with how difficult it can be sometimes to arrange a pickup when they have work to do. Those 6-hour 'appointment' windows are murder on productivity!
The Pink Pistols should be the ones to formally respond to this. Each time regressives try to do this sort of thing, their level-headed pro-gun, pro-gay response normally leaves regressives without any fuel for the fire.

If regressives are going to try to create a story where they depict an entire community as being "outraged", the best response is when that community comes back and calls them out on their BS, and tells them straight up why gun ownership is so important to the safety of minority cohorts.
Why do we have to have "Identity Polotics" ? We used to be Americans. The Euro-Socialist movement has allowed the separate identities to split the Nation. :thumbdown:
Why do we have to have "Identity Polotics" ? We used to be Americans. The Euro-Socialist movement has allowed the separate identities to split the Nation. :thumbdown:

We are more "All Americans" these days than at any time in our past. There is less racism out there these days and it is less effective. Back in the day--not too many days past--the situation was much worse. There never was some glorious time when we all enjoyed equal rights, that's an illusion. Some of us did not have the rights that other Americans had. We were only called Americans when a war was on and they needed cannon fodder. We still, today, have to fight daily for the Bill of Rights to be applied to all.

The democratic party has pushed it's "identity politics", same as "political correctness" as a way or avoiding any forward momentum of civil rights or much else and as a way of courting voters. They have done real damage with that. "Diversity" is easy, employment and decent health care is hard.There is a greater danger of fascism coming from these left liberals these days than from the out front neo-nazis with the swastikas and the heil Trump salutes. No one is receptive to those latter folks.

We need a strong working class movement independent of and in opposition to both political parties.

tipoc I have no idea what you are saying? What ever it is, I hope your venting allows you to enjoy some needed sleep.;):D:D:D Merry Christmas and all the best.:)
We are more "All Americans" these days than at any time in our past. There is less racism out there these days and it is less effective. Back in the day--not too many days past--the situation was much worse. There never was some glorious time when we all enjoyed equal rights, that's an illusion. Some of us did not have the rights that other Americans had. We were only called Americans when a war was on and they needed cannon fodder. We still, today, have to fight daily for the Bill of Rights to be applied to all.

The democratic party has pushed it's "identity politics", same as "political correctness" as a way or avoiding any forward momentum of civil rights or much else and as a way of courting voters. They have done real damage with that. "Diversity" is easy, employment and decent health care is hard.There is a greater danger of fascism coming from these left liberals these days than from the out front neo-nazis with the swastikas and the heil Trump salutes. No one is receptive to those latter folks.

We need a strong working class movement independent of and in opposition to both political parties.


Agreed. Political correctness is nothing more than a stall tactic designed to hinder the road to equality by implementing a language (and hence a mindset) of superiority & apathy. The gun control agenda stems from the same thought process behind political correctness. If we allow a ruling elite to continue to grow, and normal citizens shy away from involvement in the governing process, then the future of the 2A seems very uncertain at best. In regards to this particular incident, PC will certainly be used to attempt to undermine anything relating to gun rights or shooting culture.
Azrocks, my son IS Gay, and a shooter, and a very strong supporter of Second Amendment rights.

And he is very mad at his peers, and the way they act, on this issue.
The left LOVES Blacks, women, gays, etc... as VICTIMS.

The second ANY of us resolves to NOT be a victim, we become evil incarnate, worse than the worst victimizer.

If a gay man or lesbian had shot the Pulse nightclub murderer, they would INSTANTLY be vilified as an "islamophobe".

Gays better get it through their heads that they're a rung or two beneath islamist murderers on the left's "victimhood ladder".

Exactly, you'd think after the Orlando slaughter they might change their mind. Idiots.
Exactly, you'd think after the Orlando slaughter they might change their mind. Idiots.

I think regressives tend to try to speak for large groups of people even when it does NOT necessarily represent most or a majority of the body they are attempting to speak for. For example, the last poll I saw on the topic of legal guns in the Black community suggested that slightly more than HALF of all African Americans polled felt that legal gun ownership benefits the Black community (this number a decade ago was far smaller.) Yet regressive elites try to depict a very different picture than this.

In regards to the Orlando massacre, there are organizations that have spoken up about confronting bigotry with legal gun ownership, instead of the cowardice of passing laws and hiding under a table.

Early Sunday, around 2AM Eastern Time, the Pulse nightclub in Orlando was attacked by an armed individual. Approximately 20 persons were killed and over double that wounded when the attacker, whom police have identified as Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old from Fort Pierce, FL, pushed his way into the club and opened fire on patrons. Weapons carried by Mateen are reported as an “assault-type” rifle, a handgun, and a suspected explosive device.
Gwendolyn Patton, First Speaker of the Pink Pistols, an international GLBT self-defense organization, warns people not to jump immediately to the assailant’s guns as the object of blame, but to concentrate instead on Mateen’s violent acts. “The Pink Pistols gives condolences to all family and friends of those killed and injured at Pulse,” began Patton. “This is exactly the kind of heinous act that justifies our existence. At such a time of tragedy, let us not reach for the low-hanging fruit of blaming the killer’s guns. Let us stay focused on the fact that someone hated gay people so much they were ready to kill or injure so many. A human being did this. The human being’s tools are unimportant when compared to the bleakness of that person’s soul. I say again, GUNS did not do this. A human being did this, a dead human being. Our job now is not to demonize the man’s tools, but to condemn his acts and work to prevent such acts in the future.”

Patton’s concerns are that knee-jerk gun-control efforts may make preventing future events harder rather than easier, as only the law-abiding potential victims will be affected by such laws. “It is difficult, if not impossible, to foresee such an event,” continues Patton, “But if they cannot be prevented, then they must be stopped as fast as someone tries to start them.”

Some bars and other establishments that serve alcohol are difficult to protect because many states forbid the carrying of weapons where alcohol is served, but that just as one might have a designated driver who stays sober, one might have a designated carrier with a concealed-carry permit who goes armed and does not drink. “It’s sad that we must consider such things, but when there are persons out there who mean us harm, we must find ways to protect ourselves within the law.” Patton concludes.

The Pink Pistols is an international organization dedicated to the legal, safe, and responsible use of firearms for self-defense of the sexual-minority community. Chapters may be found across the United States and Canada. Though the Pink Pistols is for the GLBTQ community, it is not solely composed of the GLBTQ community, and all are welcome to join.
I think regressives tend to try to speak for large groups of people even when it does NOT necessarily represent most or a majority of the body they are attempting to speak for. For example, the last poll I saw on the topic of legal guns in the Black community suggested that slightly more than HALF of all African Americans polled felt that legal gun ownership benefits the Black community (this number a decade ago was far smaller.) Yet regressive elites try to depict a very different picture than this.
Not to put too fine a point on it, White, leftwing Democrats are AFRAID of us.

They view us as dangerous and in need of control. They've TOLD me so when they thought I was White.

The Democrat Party was the party of slavery, secession, Jim Crow. lynching and Manzanar.

To a large extent, it still is. It would be foolish to imagine that such a party would want its past, present and future victims armed.
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Like so many other groups, the LGBT community is pretty diverse on this issue. It's clear, despite what the loud-mouthed, mainstream media supported faction would have you believe, that a not-insignificant fraction of the LGBT community are gun rights activists/supporters.

Jusy google "gays for guns". The Pink Pistols is one such organization. Gays with Guns is another.

Just like the rest of the pro-gun-rights community, they believe in the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense.
Like anybody else Gays, as a whole can't be typecast and have varying opinions on the issue of self defense and the second amendment. Here are a couple of resources on that.

Membership in the Pink Pistols grew quite a bit after Orlando.

Contestant from "Top Shot" Chris Cheng speaks up.

I still don't understand how the discount deal works. Seems it's not a discount for all NRA members. Is it a discount for businesses where the owner of the business is an NRA member? How's it work and who is it for exactly?

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