Feinstein & Schumer discussing AWB on Senate Floor Tuesday

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May 23, 2004
Feinstein and Schumer were granted time this afternoon (Tuesday July 13) to bring up the AWB on the Senate floor just for discussion in the middle of the Marriage Amendment issue!

I can't be around to watch and listen to see what trouble they're trying to start. (Darn it..... this having to earn a living routine that keeps taking me away from what's REALLY IMPORTANT!!) Would you guys that have a chance to watch c span fill us in on what this pair was up to.
Right now Sen. Jame Inhofe (R-OK) is speaking about the marriage amendment. No sign of AWB talk yet.
Schumer and Feinstein have requested to be on the floor before 5:00pm. They have no gone on yet. They are alotted 15 minutes time.

John Cornyn has the floor for 30 minutes as of right now. I'll probably just watch the next hour of CSPAN2 and keep y'all posted.
Gigabust beat me to it. :)

I just called my Senators with a heads up -- y'all should prolly do the same. I don't think the Evil Two will get a chance to do more than natter without a vote one way or another, but it's worth marshalling the forces.

They have asked for 15 minutes time before 5 eastern to discuss the ban. So far they haven't spoken on it and an hour left.

Edited to add:

As of 4:27pm Eastern
OK, Senator from New Jersey for 15 min, Senator from Pennsylvania for 15 min, Senator Mikulski for 10 min and then after Mikulski, Feinstein and Schumer for 15min total.
Senator from New Jersey up now. Frank Lautenberg. He's got the floor for 15 minute. Feinstein and Schumer will get to do their 15 minute hate routine immediately following.

I really wish there was a way to record this into AVI format.
Republican Rick Santorum (from Penn.) is currently at the podium.. :)

1:50 PM PST

Democratic Senator from Maryland, Barbara Mikulski is yakkin' now.. :banghead:

1:58 PM PST
Dem. Sen. from Cali, it's Feinstein's turn!!!!!!
New worst job in the world: Playing Vanna White to DiFi.:neener:

Cool. She is essentially admitting defeat.
It lives :barf:

Mostly going on about how she has all this support from all these people and a majority of everybody loves it. Guess that is why all those Dems lost their jobs from the last one and nobody wants to touch this with a 10' pole.
Dianne Feinstein is up. Wants an alert at 8 minutes.

Hey, she actually called it a ban on semiautomatic military pattern firearms.

The ban has worked, since traces back to them have decreased 2/3rds.

Shows picture of "DC Tec 9" from Highway 101.

Ban will expire even though 71% of Americans support the ban along with 64% of people with guns in the home. Going to expire despire LEO support. Nearly every major law enforcement and civic organization, FOP, yadda yadda.

"The ban will expire" -- I love it when she says that.

I'm hoping Larry Craig throws some fruit at her.

Bush supports the ban, playing political hot-potato(e) with Repub. leaders in Congress.

... more to follow.
She's on now. The usual lies... Everybody supports renewal of the AWB... The NRA is the bad guy... The president will not help pass the renewal... The gangs and criminal love assault weapons... Terrorists don't want the ban renewed... Blah blah blah...
Hahahah she's showing an Armalite ad. Free flash suppressor when you buy a rifle!

It's so you can shoot at neighbors and police at night. And they can't see where it's coming from :rolleyes:
Citing Armalight's coupon for a free flash suppressor.

Flash suppressor=NO FLASH? On what planet?


FINESWINE speaks like a drunk.

Here comes UPCHUCK!
Ford, Carter, and Clinton wrote to bush in a joint letter asking him to work to renew the ban.

Oh, they had the support of Reagan. Ouch!

Guns are used by gangs, grievance killers, children to kill their school mates. Al-Quada manuals say to buy assault weapons in the US at gun shows because it's so easy to do so. Threat of terrorism increasing, how can we let the ban expire and make it easier?

Italian customers siezed 8,000 AK-47 assault rifles going from Romania to Georgia.
(which we know was legal).

Talking about 89 import ban. Allowed to re-assemble the guns into their banned-by 89 form.

Showing Armalite ad. Offering coupon for free flash supressor. What do you need a flash supressor for? You have a flash supressor on a gun and a 30 round clip and you're shooting at night at police or neighbors, the flash is supressed. Only criminals need that.

"clips drums or strips" -- the word magazine isn't in her vocab.
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