Feinstein to introduce confiscation bill

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"It will ban the sale, the transfer, the importation and the possession, not retroactively, but prospectively,"
This means grandfathering, not confiscation. Also, she's done this repeatedly. It always fails.

That is what I heard to.
Seems to me if it bans possession it may as well be confiscation. Then again I haven't looked lately to see if my P-Mags are date stamped.
Confiscation? Why don't you read it again, and if you still don't understand it, read it again. Nowhere was confiscation mentioned.
The bill would make manufacture and sale illegal prospectively, meaning from the time it becomes law and forward. Not retroactively means it doesn't apply to things already made, sold, or owned. So, grandfathering, like the old Old Bill bill.
Now it should be pointed out that this is WHY antis want to close the so-called "gun show loophole". In states where no 4473 is required for a private sale, this law becomes virtually unenforceable because there'd be no way of proving a firearm and its magazines were transferred after the ban took effect. Universal NICS checks are not "backdoor registration" as some fear... but they, and the legal authority to keep or share them, are a necessary step toward it.
What good is it if you can't use it ?????
Also what will they say is a Assault Weapon---Akm-sks mini 14 & 30--m-1 carbine any other semi-auto weapon---- 22 cal semi-auto ?????
"It will ban the sale, the transfer, the importation and the possession, not retroactively, but prospectively,"

That's just a "fast and loose" comment by Feinstein. She's said in the past that a new AWB will not allow grandfathering (which the antis have recognized made the original AWB such a joke). She's made no secret of the fact that she wants a turn-in, pure and simple.

No need to panic, though. Feinstein's and McCarthy's perennial proposals, as usual, are going nowhere.
I think the old witch has dropped the "no grandfathering" clause she was entertaining before in order to get a new AWB pushed through as rapidly as possible.

You can bet there will be no sunset clause in this one.
If this is their big plan, I'm not impressed. It's an old failed policy. Even viewed from the POV of the antis it was a disaster. It dealt with cosmetic features and actually made everyone more interested in AR's and AK's. Before the original AWB AR-15's were a rare and expensive item. Now the whole firing line at the range is mostly AR's. Some of that is a direct result of the AWB drawing attention to the design features, then telling people they can't have them.
If Diane Feinstein had a shred of decency, she would introduce legislation to make banning guns in schools punishable by 15 or 20 years in prison for any legislator who would place the lives of our Innocent children in jeopardy at the hands of any nut case who could not be stopped due to a lack of sufficient arms in the hands of the responsible adults in those venues.

If Diane Feinstein had a shred of decency...


Anyhow, IF she did she would be putting a bill forward that made training and licensing of education professionals for concealed carry and use of weapons possible and an option for all schools.

But, we know she doesn't and is conveniently using a tragedy to further her personal un-Constitutional agenda.

Jeff B.
When is she not trying to reintroduce another AWB?

Leave it to this (insert derogatory name here) to try and use this tragic event to her advantage and political agenda.
From the looks of the bill it is almost identical to the AWB of 94 including the grandfather clause. Feinstein has introduced this same bill after every shooting for the last few years. This is nothing new and there isn't much chance of it making anywhere.
I believe CT does have laws on the books concerning certain, enumerated assault-style guns. Without knowing more about the Bushmaster AR15 allegedly used in the murders, it's not easy to tell if this would have been on the list.

From what I read it appears the deceased assailant tried to purchase a rifle from a CT dealer just 3 days before this incident and was turned down by the gun store as he declined to submit to a background check and did not wish to endure the CT three day wait.

The one thing that makes me a little bit queasy about this introduction, as opposed to the others, is that they are also arguing about other issues. Boehner is under the gun right now. (So to speak.) Right now, everyone is willing to discuss things that were previously 'off the table'. I would still be surprised if it makes it out of committee, but it's not like every other year when we can shrug it off either. I think the next two weeks, with the budget battle will reveal if this has legs.
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