Feral hogs

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Jun 1, 2010
Saw a post but not sure if it was on here or another forum but the title was "ever wonder where the corn goes" or something like that then a picture was posted of a herd of hogs surrounding the deer feeder eating all the corn. If you know of this post let me know where it is and if you have any tips for feral hog hunting let me know as well.
Yep. I've got gigabytes of pictures like that and worse. Tips for hogs? Put up a feeder and a camera and the hogs will do the hard work for you.

If you aren't allowed to bait them where you live then it's like any other game animal. Find their patterns, their food or their water.

Biggest tip I give anyone that is going to hunt hogs is that you can't beat the nose. Use scent guard clothing, use scent guard soap on yourself. If you smoke while you hunt you can pretty much forget about getting a hog. Use the wind to your advantage.
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