Final efforts in Iowa... Please help

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Apr 3, 2015
Legislative Session Expected to End This Week
Help needed to secure passage of Omnibus Firearms Bill

Many capitol insiders expect Iowa's 2015 legislative session to wrap up this week. The Omnibus Firearms Bill is still alive and one of the few remaining pieces of unfinished business.

Click here to help secure its passage.

Senate leadership's ongoing FAILURE

As you're well aware, the House of Representatives has passed this bill three times this session. We owe the House a great deal of thanks for their ongoing commitment to getting this bill passed.

On the flip side, all session long the Senate leadership has flat-out failed to bring the Omnibus Firearms Bill to a vote.

However, the Senate has an opportunity to right their wrongs. As the Standings Bill moves towards approval it's imperative the Senate members keep each provision of the Omnibus Firearms Bill in tact and in the Standings Bill.

Here's where you come into play

We need you to contact each and every Iowa Senator. Our Advocacy Campaigns are limited only to who directly represents where you live. Right now the conference committee members working on the Standings Bill are working on behalf of all Iowans. So they should be hearing from all Iowans. What we need you to do is email each and every Senator with the following message:

Dear Senator,

I expect you to contact your leadership about leaving the Omnibus Firearms Bill provisions in this year's Standings Bill.
I consider the Senate's failure to act on these measures to be the same as voting 'No' on this pro-Second Amendment bill.
When it comes to gun owners rights, "Next year" is a message we've been hearing for five years, and we've seen where that gets us.
There's still time to stop the same mistake from happening again. Tell your leadership, "Keep the Omnibus Firearms Bill language in the Standings Bill!"

[Your Name Here]

Sending an email to each Senator may sound difficult, but in reality it can easily be done in less a few minutes. We've got a step by step how-to process (including what to say) on the website. CLICK HERE for details.

All session long your support for this bill has been absolutely astounding. But as the final days of the 2015 Legislative Session wind down, we're in dire need of your help. Please take a couple of minutes each day to send the message above. Getting this message to each and every member of the Senate is critical.

The end is in sight folks, but the outcome, good or bad, has yet to be determined. Don't stop fighting!

Iowa Firearms Coalition is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports. Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.
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