Fiocchi spreaders

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another okie

Dec 26, 2002
Has anyone patterned these? I bought some #9, 1 1/8 ounce loads and haven't had time to pattern them yet. I'm curious if anyone else has tested them to see if they work.
Been awhile , yes they work.
Do remember it will depend on your gun's forcing cone bore and restriction (choke)

Not a new thing btw, when I was a wee brat born in the mid 50's, folks had fixed choked guns.
Reloading shells...
Flatten the shot (hammer it, run over it in the driveway...etc) would get a pattern to open up.

So would a paper drinking straw inserted into the shot various ways...

We don't need no stinkin' screw in chokes...
So would a paper drinking straw inserted into the shot various ways...

Man, sm, you and I are both older than dirt. I'm thinking the last time I saw a paper straw was in elementary school, nearly 50 years ago...

I notice Brister refers to square shot that was available in Europe at the time he wrote Shotgunning, the Art and the Science. Anybody ever seen or used any of this stuff?

How does Fioccchi accomplish their spread? Is it shot of some other shape than spherical?
Cubed Shot.

Back in the day one used to get cubed shot her in the South, and I have forgotten what the brand name was.
Some local fellas that made bullets, made cubed shot as well.

At one time a Distributor I knew, would get Fiocchi reloading components, so I have used Fiocchi primers, nickel plated shot and the rest of the Fiocchi components to reload.

Again, fixed choked gun, folks knew what a gun did, by actually patterning their gun.
Cubed shot opened up, and was the chambered shell for flushing quail for instance and a fixed mod or fixed full barrel would the shotgun . Cubed first, second shot a load of target (hard shot) for when the quail were out a bit.

Dove shooters with O/U and SxS, especially double trigger guns, on a dove coming in to them, would slap trigger on hard shot chambered barrel on the second dove further out and then slap trigger on cube load for the dove right on top of them.

This ain't no mantle piece , this heres a using shotgun...
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