First Wild Buffalo Seen in Germany in over 250 years; First Wild Buffalo killed in Germany in 250yrs

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The wisent is a relative of the bison. It lives in forested areas and was almost exterminated in WWII.

Survivors remained in the Bialowiza (sp) forest in Poland and are increasing in Belarus and Ukraine near the Chernobyl disaster site.
The article said that it was found in a town. As to danger? No way to know, really. If full grown, a ton of maybe-hostility is darned well dangerous. If spooked and running to escape, you better not be in front of it. The writer of the article is obviously inexperienced in ranching.

Ah, well. Waste not, want not. Bison are tasty. :)
Let's read the article:

"The head of that office determined the bison was a threat to the local population and had two local hunters shoot it the next day.

The animal likely wandered from Poland’s Ujście Warty National Park, which sits on the border with Germany, Polish officials told the paper."

Google Ujście Warty National Park and Lebus on a map and this story should have been over and done before it was published. Shut up and go away WWF.
"At the end of the 1800s, ..., only two populations of the bison survived in Białowieża Forest and the western Caucasus mountains. [the species of bison] was later deemed extinct in the wild by 1927, though conservation efforts have reintroduced free-ranging populations to “Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Slovakia.”

It is not known to be dangerous to humans.

OK DUH... when few of them exist at the end of the 19th century, and wild bred animals at large in the woods are extinct by 1927 then OF COURSE there is no data to suggest they are "dangerous to humans". :confused: (Farmer Brown's breeding bull isn't "dangerous to humans" so long as you stay out of it's pasture. ;) )

THEN you have buffoons who will quibble about the word "dangerous", claiming since they have not been documented as being "aggressive" to humans they are not "dangerous", and ignoring that no data supporting an observation of dangerous or docile has ever been collected when they don't exist in the wild, and ignoring what a panicked animal could do, or what will happen to the driver of the car that hits the 1/2 ton animal when the bison wanders out upon the highway. Deer struck by moving vehicles kill more folks than bears in North America, and deer aren't dangerous to humans (well except maybe moose from time to time).


I had no earthly idea there were buffalo anywhere near Germany. I bet those were some very surprised Germans, proly thought there was a Karl May convention in town!:D
there was a program on a sports show with a hunter taking a old bull out of a heard of them in Poland all under government control. I,ll bet it cost a pretty penny. eastbank.
A good deal of information about The wild cattle and bison in Germany of Poland is in the book, The Zookeepers Wife. The Nazis raided zoos in Europe particularly in Poland to breed wild animals using domestic breeds and few remaining specimens to stock vast estates for the Nazi elite. The also killed penned rare wild animals for entertainment. There were a few animals in the wild but not in Germany. The war wiped out more than people.
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