FMJ Self Defense grade Ammo?

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kBob said:
Back when the Uniform Crime report listed such in the 70's and '80s the numbers indicated that civilians fired half as many shots in an engagement as police and were about three times as accurate as police.

Easy to account for. Your typical police officer may only qualify with their service pistol once or twice a year depending on finances of the department. It doesn't matter how often I screwed up the budget, I still shoot more than twice a year. Civilians also typically carry less ammo than law enforcement, so shot placement is a higher priority.
Because of situations like this where arms and shoulders are obstacles I just don't believe 12" to 13" are enough, but if I were to use JHP it probably would be with XTP bullets.
Re: post 56: Well, if you hit the arm . . . he's out an arm. That'll probably throw off his aim a little at least.
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