FNC getting it right...slowly.

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Feb 27, 2004
Central Forida
Ak-47's and Tec 9's are still covered by other legislation....

Some states still have their own laws....

Ban was on cosmetic features....

Send them emails now, they are asking for comments for the debate about to start in a few minutes.. [email protected]
FNC seemed fair to both sides in their questions. I just wish LaPierre would have brought up some of the concrete facts about the ban. I am glad he expressed that enforcement works, not legislation, but he almost seemed to rant on it. A lot of people are suspect of the NRA as some kind of crazies, and I think it is essential to present facts.. It seems like the general public still has no idea what the ban covered, how often these guns were used in crimes, exactly what it did for crime rates, etc. Crush the gun grabbers and their supporters with information. Once you show the inefficacy of these laws, you can tie in RKBA much more effectively in my opinion. Too many people think that unconstitutional laws like this are justifiable because they protect them from bad guys. Only informed people can make informed decisions.


FNC just stated that guns like Uzis, AKs, and Tec-9s are covered by other legislature and are still illegal. It is nice to see that FNC actually points that out instead of going with the Brady's garbage.
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