Food for Oil for Sure

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"I resent the allegation of a coverup. There's been a lot of irresponsible charges made in the media over the last several weeks about the United Nations," spokesman Fred Eckhard said.

Hmmm. I don't hear the Bush adminstration complaining when the press digs in their shorts unfairly. Not ready for prime time?

Or is it something to do with our BOR and the UN's rights system where you may have them so long as they do not interfere with the UN's goals? And the Donkey party wants us to run to the UN to ask permission? I guess that is consistent with their statist views.
A report into the August bombing of the UN's headquarters in Baghdad, which killed 22 people, found that UN officials had underestimated the anger felt by Iraqis at the United Nations.
I guess/hope they learned a small lesson here. It's one thing to go liberate a nation, it's quite another to take advantage of a situation and make money while people starve due to your organizational manipulations of a program... or could it be that those responsible for all the insurgent action (like bombing the UN's headquarters) just don't care for either the US or the UN at this point?
The UN is above reproach, no mere human would dare to challenge their authority, except maybe a former governor from Texas who felt enough was enough, then earn the ire of the world for doing so.
except maybe a former governor from Texas who felt enough was enough, then earn the ire of the world for doing so.

In the end....hopefully sooner than later...they will understand.

Though by then, it may be too late.

I have been reading about UNSCAM in various blogs. The extent of the corruption, the amount of money involved (and the people involved), well, it's a H-U-G-E story. Yet it goes largely unreported.
If it were any large US Corporation, this would be the lead story at every major US media outlet.
But, nah, there isn't a bias in media, is there?
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