Found 2 Little Besuties

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The Baby Chief will probably get traded to a buddy that collects vintage snubs, but the 19 will get shot the next time I head to the range. I feel its my duty to shoot everything I keep. that's what they were made for! I've got a new thing I've been doing lately. I like to put up silhouette targets up at the hundred yard stand and shoot at them with snubs. Not real hard to keep it in the kill zone with ammo that has a little zip to it. I shot a few yesterday with some SWC that were loaded to rabbit fart velocity and felt like I had to lob them in. It was fun.
The Baby Chief will probably get traded to a buddy that collects vintage snubs, but the 19 will get shot the next time I head to the range. I feel its my duty to shoot everything I keep. that's what they were made for! I've got a new thing I've been doing lately. I like to put up silhouette targets up at the hundred yard stand and shoot at them with snubs. Not real hard to keep it in the kill zone with ammo that has a little zip to it. I shot a few yesterday with some SWC that were loaded to rabbit fart velocity and felt like I had to lob them in. It was fun.

Cool, I feel that sense of duty also, I just usually can not stop at my own :)
I've posted my feelings about shooting "new" guns before. Here is my justification. Now this theory would not work on the ultra high end collectables like Registered Magnums, Triple locks and such but to me it does on the more common collectable guns. I had a Model 19 that was NIB. It was beautiful and while I had plenty of other guns to shoot, this one seemed to beg me to shoot it. Knowing the market pretty well, I figured the price from a NIB to a like new in box would be about $100 difference and maybe $150 tops. So I broke it out and shot the snot out of it being very careful not to scratch it and cleaned it well after each range trip. I figured I had at least $50 worth of fun just taking its virginity. Then I figured it was worth at least $10 per trip to the range to shoot such a beautiful specimen. After 10 range trips, I had covered my losses. I would up keeping that gun for over a year and probably put 500-1000 rounds through it. Kept it as nice as possible and when I sold it I got within $100 of what I paid for it. That my friend is cheap entertainment.
Usually, if all I have to add to a thread is what has already been said and often....

As those revolvers are unusually nice enough to repeat what others said...

Very nice revolvers!!!

You definitely have the gift for finding some fine looking (and in great condition), S&W revolvers! Keep up the good work!
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