FOX News Discussion of new CT Gun Law

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Nov 25, 2012
The Kelly File, a news program on the FOX news channel, will be discussing the new CT gun law tonight at 9:00 pm eastern time. Should be interesting!
Yes,it should be interesting. Kelly will have her round table quartet on, at least one of which will prove to be an idiot! :D But that's Show Biz.
Fair and balanced. :scrutiny:
Megan Kelly is much easier to listen to than O'Reilly, who's brilliant idea for combating "gun violence" is to register all guns everywhere w/ the ATF and have all police agencies do random stop-and-frisk whenever they want to. One infringement isn't enough for him, so two should work (2A and 4A).

Shepherd Smith went on a refreshing rant today. The were talking about the Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa where the Judge is allowing video of him at the shooting range with a shotgun and pistol. The point is to demonstrate that Mr. Pistorius is "too comfortable" around firearms i.e. He's not scared to death of them and runs screaming for mommy. The legal expert started to say that it would be bad for any defendant that appears too comfortable around guns when Shep interrupted her. He started asserting that "There's nothing wrong with being comfortable around guns. That's not a bad thing and there's nothing wrong with it." It actually lasted a minute or two. I was pleasantly surprised and the "expert" was completely taken aback.

I haven't watched the Kelly File segment yet, but I think it may have been preempted for the stuff going on in the Ukraine.

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