Fox News Glenn Beck discusses 2A

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Do you guys think it benefits us when controversial personas like this are for (or agains) our cause?
Big Media portrays Beck as some damn loon but he's not. Just passionate about what he believes in. I know he speaks for me and everyone I know. His 9/12 March on Washington had over 1m people but the media claims 30k lol. Beck has a street shot that shows it was on par with Obama's inauguration.
Beck, like most TV talking heads, is long on opinion and short on fact, big on creating outrage and small solutions for hard problems.
Do you guys think it benefits us when controversial personas like this are for (or agains) our cause?
Of course it benefits 2nd Amendment rights. The fringe media either doesn't report on 2nd Amendment issues, or does so with a bias rivaling that of "Die Volkischer Beobachter" reporting on Purim.

Beck focuses attention on something which other media outlets seek either to suppress or to spin negatively.
Can't say whether or not it benefits the cause, but I'd rather not have this PT Barnum (and that's giving him too much credit) shooting off his mouth about... well, pretty much anything.
Do you guys think it benefits us when controversial personas like this are for (or agains) our cause?
Given the ceasless attempts by the tweefer media to portray gunowners as irresponsible nuts (on a good day), anyone who publicly defends the Second Amendment is a "controversial persona." Are we to simply remain silent while the Constitution is violated?
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He speaks only to the conservative choir. That's the pragmatic reality. It will have no impact on anything.

If it makes you feel good to do an "AMEN" - enjoy. No one else will care.
I look forward to the program due to its 2A theme today, however Fox news just tells me what I want to hear. I agree Fox news has no impact whatsoever on conservatives and their anti gun beliefs. Due to that fact I generally don't care for any national news broadcasts as they are so one sided and either tell you what you want to hear or they spew out crap about a "black automatic assault double barreled military assault shotgun" that was used to kill innocent gang members robbing a homeowner.
Are we to simply remain silent while the Constitution is violated?
That's certainly the idea.

Recall NPR's late '80s/early '90s series on the 2nd Amendment. Their "pro-gun" spokesman was a shotgunner who owned no handguns and never would, and who stated that if people REALLY wanted him to give up his shotguns, he'd be willing to.

Fringe media coverage of 2nd Amendment and self-defense issues is typically on the level of a "debate" between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and James von Brunn on whether the Holocaust really happened.
It's always typical for you guys to lob attacks at a guy like Beck, but I noticed that none of you named an alternative persona that you'd prefer take up the cause of speaking for our side. The fact is that there is no perfect one without blemish. But my guess is that you've probably just bought into how the MSM has characterized him, as opposed to actually listening to him.
(I know, I know, I know. You listened to him once, and you have all the information you need, and you know everything about him. You're a veritable expert on the guy.)
I'm not saying Beck doesn't have something to sell, but can't someone believe and be passionate about what they are selling?
You don't put on the kind of full court press that he is building on lollypops and happy feelings.
If he has to plug a book or two whats the problem? Have you looked at the content of his books?
When I watch and listen I believe the guy is honestly looking for that same America that I grew up in and he is in fear for his and his families well being because of it.
Watch MSNBC and see the odd irrational spin they try to put on Beck because he believes we are heading to socialism/progressivism . Hell most of the commentators on MSNBC embrace the progressive movement so why can't the accept Becks disagreemnt with it.
I think he is a piece of clay yet to be fully molded in regards to the 2A only because he is fairly new to the concept but what I have heard so far is possitive for the most part.
Beck is the 'talking head' who isn't afraid to ACTIVELY support the 2a. Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, they will give it cursory mention when it's in the spotlight. They don't want to mess with it the rest of the time because it's too much of a lightening rod. Beck is the guy who will always proudly say; "I'm armed, it's legal, ethical, moral, and common sense, and anyone who tries to take that right away is someone I will not trust."
Good to see mainstream news discussing 2A in a positive light, but why do I get the feeling this will just be empty banter about the ammo shortage, gun sales being up, and fear mongering over bills that never even left committee.

It's hard for Beck to say Obama is attacking the Second Amendment and not look like a tool. Sure he may not believe in it, but he's not attacking it right now. So far there have been no AWB's passed, no new gun control legislation that even left committee or had co sponsors. His "communist" Senate passed a law allowing loaded weapons in National Parks (that 8 years of "conservative" congress would not) and they even came just a couple votes away from essentially creating a 50-state CCW system. Another thing that did not happen with any "conservative" congress I can remember.

From what I've seen in the last year, the only panic and hysteria in the gun community has been caused by those reaping huge profits from it. The only reason any gun or ammo has been inaccessible to me is because a dealer wants far too much for it, or a panicked person beat me to it.

Now, is that to say let our guard down? No. I'm sure Obama is no fan of the 2A. But maybe, just maybe, he senses that his constituents, we the people, DO value it, and he's listening to them. Which is exactly what a good elected official is supposed to do.
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I'll have to see the show to make my judgement, until then I won't. But knowing Beck's track record, my guess is it will be just more fear mongering about the dreaded ammo shortage, and talking about those eeeevil bills that are dead in committee or without even a single cosponsor. The man makes a lot of money just by stirring the pot, and he's good at what he does.

I would much rather see a POSITIVE spotlight on the 2A. For example Beck have a show all about different gun owners from all over the country and their different ways of shooting (grab a casual, a hunter, a IDPA/USPSA/whatever guy, a person on the fence and new to guns, a person all about CCW/HD, etc) and spotlight all the different uses of guns in American society and culture. Talk about its importance as a right and why it ought to be preserved. Slim chance on that though. Easier to just talk about H.R.bunchanumbers for an hour.
Glenn Beck is an imbecile that makes the rest of us look bad, and anyone who thinks he's doing something worthwhile is just in need of a pep talk and pat on the back.

He does absolutely nothing but close open, wondering minds, and solidifies our opponents in their cause.

He is the Bloomberg to our cause.
Oh how I love to be talked down to by those who are so enlightened. Perhaps you could point to a non Bloomberg for us to listen to.
As I'm patted on the back.

That's where they always go. Conservatives are far too simple-minded to understand the intricacies involved here.

I have a better explanation. It's not at all complicated. The ones who pretend it IS are the ones who are trying to make it so boring that we will stop paying attention and go away. I'M NOT STUPID, AND I'M NOT GOING AWAY.
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