Foxnews: 190,000 rifles missing

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So we're providing hundreds of thousands of weapons to Shiite fundamentalist islamic militias. What's the worst that could happen. We armed Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, and he's hardly bothered us since then.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette carried a page 1 story about this today. The following is a copy of my Letter To The Editor, which likely will NOT be printed, that's life.


Interesting, and unknown by this reader, are the number of REAL AK-47's, not the pale, overpriced imitations available to Law Abiding Americans in their own country. By the way, it is the above mentioned who are paying for these "lost" small arms.

Re other aspects of this problem and possible solutions thereto, consider the following. How about sending Sarah Brady and her acolytes, co-religionists, or fellow travelers, people who are big on GUN CONTROL over to Iraq. They might come up with an idea or two, who knows. How much worse might they do than is being done by those already there? That might be something to think about.
this is nothing. the United States has provided iraq with every drop of gasoline, every drop of water, ever morsel of food, every weapon, and every cent of money they use since the war began. they are producing absolutely nothing on their own. this comes out of mine and your pockets, and we get absolutely nothing in return, not even in the way of progress or stability.
Makes me wonder if the UN is paying attention to this in terms of their "trade in illicit small arms" campaign.
Well lets thank Bush and company for getting us into this mess in the first place.

I see this just like WW II. We are arming our allies right and giving them to Iraq so lets let them worry about it.
When they "give" them - why do they have to keep track of them? Story doesn't make sense to me.

I'm not sure I understand the question. When you are trying to maintain order in a country that's teetering on the border of anarchy, don't you think it might be worth your while to make sure they that when you do something like, I don't know, introduce a few hundred thousand brand-new full-auto weapons into that environment, you might have a slight interest in keeping tabs on them?

Arming the general populace in the course of ridding a foreign society of tyrants and thugs is straight out of the U.S. gov manual.

Nice sentiment, but the guns didn't go to Mr. and Mrs. Iraqi Citizen. They were handed out to a mostly corrupt police force that more than likely funneled the guns straight to the insurgency.
I can't believe that people are actually surprised that the AKs are turning up missing after giving them to the corrupt wishy washy Iraqis.

One word...DUH!

Just my .02,
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