Fred Thompson on Concealed Carry

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Ron Paul

Ron Paul would be my first choice. We need someone who gives the Constitution the respect that it deserves!
Fred Thompson would be my 2nd choice.
Is Ron Paul electable? By that, I mean, does he have a chance?

I think Fred has the name and face recognition to do it. Remember the average American votes more on charisma than anything else.
I don't know. I've known about Ron Paul for years, while I've never heard of Fred Thompson until sometime last month. His support for McCain-Feingold and the Patriot Act also trouble me...
Is Ron Paul electable? By that, I mean, does he have a chance?
I think he has a better chance than may be expected. Suppose that he wins the Republican primary and runs against Hitlary Clinton in the general election. All the communists would vote and Hitlary, and I'm pretty sure that none of the hard-core Republicans would. This leaves the middle ground, the fence-sitters. What would they do? I have a feeling that a large number of them are sick and tired of the usual politics and of Bush's policy of using the Constitution as toilet paper. So, they may very well be inclined to vote for an eccentric candidate with uncompromising integrity and a deep respect for the Constitution.
Or maybe I'm just being too idealistic. :)
>>I've known about Ron Paul for years, while I've never heard of Fred Thompson until sometime last month.<<

A U.S. Senator and well-known actor?
Ron Paul has Zero chance, so supporting him would be a waste of effort. Fred Thompson IS electable and has much better odds of making a difference. Support who can actually win, anything else is a waste of time and effort.
Ron Paul has Zero chance
If that is what we believe, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. For the time being, I'm supporting both Ron Paul and Fred Thompson.
Also, even if Ron Paul doesn't win, at least he brings to the table the issue of obeying the Constitution.
Interesting article about Thompson at

1. Fred Thompson was a co-sponsor of the McCain-Feingold bill. You know, the bill that every pro-gun organization in the country uses to justify their hatred for McCain?

2. Fred Thompson was the co-chair of McCain's 2000 presidential campaign. You know, the McCain that everybody is busy pretending is anti-gun?

3. Remember Clinton's impeachment? Thompson was one of the only Republicans that voted against it.

4. Thompson believes states should be allowed to sanction same-sex unions if they want.
His support for McCain-Feingold and the Patriot Act also trouble me...

I agree, but these are things that can be fixed. But once the gun grabbers take our firearms, we'll never get them back. That's why a Second Amendment supporter is so important to me.
4. Thompson believes states should be allowed to sanction same-sex unions if they want.

Not exactly. Thompson doesn't feel this should be decided at the federal level. Rather, states themselves should be able to decide for themselves. Kind of fits with the 10th Amendment.
Back in 2000, Mccain was a viable candidate. This was before some very serious flip-flops, and showing tendancies to swerve in leftward directions. I was fairly pro-McCain back in 2000, and have since left that behind. I would hope that Thompson would also have remained conservative, as opposed to Mccain.

One of the stated reasons that Thompson is considering running is that he isn't satisfied with the current pool of Republican candidates. Given a close personal lrelationship with Mccain, this says alot to me.
Ideal candidates don’t come around too often. Obviously we’re all inclined to vote for the candidate whom we view as such. I just hope that if either Ron Paul or Fred Thompson gets the nomination that those of us who are staunch supporters of one or the other will still vote their second choice if their first choice does not get the nomination.
Personally there are things about both of them that make them less than ideal to me but I’d happily vote for either one of these men. There is way too much on the line to sit on the sidelines out of spite.
The question in my mind was whether his stated beliefs on guns was accurate given his history. Not being from Tennessee, I wasn't familiar with him. These are valid concerns.

Granted, so far he looks like the second choice for me behind Paul. I wouldn't vote for Giuliani or McCain, even if Hitler arose as a zombie to run against them. :)
3. Remember Clinton's impeachment? Thompson was one of the only Republicans that voted against it.

4. Thompson believes states should be allowed to sanction same-sex unions if they want.
I'm still trying to figure out how those are negatives.
Ron Paul has Zero chance
If that is what we believe, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. For the time being, I'm supporting both Ron Paul and Fred Thompson.
Also, even if Ron Paul doesn't win, at least he brings to the table the issue of obeying the Constitution.

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