French Bashing

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Dec 24, 2002
Klamath Falls, Jefferson
My reply to a recent e-mail from a freind:

Big Frank wrote:

>3) If you use Google search and type in "French military victories," your
>reply will be "did you mean French military defeats?"

Interesting how the pro-war side has to lie to achive it's goals:,0,2821577.story?coll=ny-worldnews-headlines

As a person who is (proudly) of French decent, I found this bashing irritating. Since I've had people refuse service to me when seeing my name, and been threatened with violence, it's moved beyond irritating.

Can't you damm people stop acting like a bunch of 2 year olds? The fact that my paternal grandparents were bore in Quebec (and their ancestors ~300 years prior in France) Does not automatically make me an "evil" man, who colleberates with the enemy.

The fact that I oppose this war does not make me one of the enemy. In order to be your enemy, I must be fighting you, wreather activally or inactivally.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised we're making fun of the french. After all we "joke" about blacks, mexicans, jews, irish, poles, and many others.

No I'm not surprised. What I am is ashamed and disgusted.

I'm ashamed that we lump all French people together as cowards who are "protecting their investment" "protecting their investment?" Saudia Arabia is documented as being involved in terrorism on several levels. Why are we not going to war with them? to protect our investment?

again I'm not surprised. after all we all "know" Blacks only speak "ebonics", and are all on welfare, just like all those Mexicans who of course all sneaked up here to steal jobs away from "honest, hard working Americans", While the Jews are nothing but dirty, greedy bankers who control the worlds money. As to the Irish & Poles, well, it's hard to guess which is dumber, or so I'm lead to belive

Yes, I'm disgusted. I'm told "America-- Love it or Leave it", and "if I don't support the president, I must be a terrorist"

Any nation that require blind loyalty to reside in it, is a nation that deserves no loyalty. any ruling class who classifies those who peacefully oppose it as criminals, deserves nothing but contempt.

Years ago, after reading a book, I made the same promise made by the characters in there, and have tried to live my life by that oath. I'm working my way through school because I belive government backed student loans & grants are immoral. I'm living on beans& rice because I refuse to go on welfare, accepting money from freinds is hard enough, but at least I know they gave it by their own choice, and not at the threat of a gun. For the same reason, I suffer from the flu, as I long ago decided I would rather (but I'm not wanting to) die than compermise my ideals.

The oath?

I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

You who parrot the party line, and say you support this war, why aren't you in Iraq? or do you only support someone else fighting?

You who claim your Christian god is superior to Allah, and therefore are justified in this fight, Who amongst you was without sin, that he was able to cast that first stone?

Ah, what a time, to be alive when the constitution and Bill of rights lay helpless on the sacrificial alter, and to witness the beginnings of an American Empire!

I think I'm going to be sick

I don't support the war.
But I must say I do enjoy bashing French military history. :) Can't help it. I make fun of the Italians too if it makes you feel better. I don't hate anyone who is french, and really it is just funny to me. A joke. If you can't laugh at the french ...
Don't be so quick to follow a philosophy you found in a book. It sounds good on paper but sometimes it leaves something to be desired in pratice. And yours sets you up to be a lonely man. To ignore the possiblity of "the other" is dangerous, it limits the possiblities in life. I don't think the nation is blindly following anything, there are people all around speaking out against the war. (yourself for instance). As for the french I think one of many people's problems stem from a feeling of betrayal. They look at England and for better or worse that country's leader is supporting us. A repayment of sorts. Whereas France comes across as ungrateful. I don't necassarily agree just that is how many see it.
I can understand how it is upsetting, but if you are truly living by your motto, it won't really matter what anyone else thinks because you are a man unto yourself and above such pettiness.
As a person with French ancestry, I thank God my relatives left France when they did. As far as I'm concerned all this French bashing is pretty funny and late in coming, I've been bashing the French for years. :evil: :neener:
100 years ago

My family left Germany about 100 years ago, Germany has been declining ever since. Bash away, I'm an American now it don't bother me.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the British for deporting my ancestors (French citizens) from Canada, in 1753 to New Orleans.
Since you're an American of French descent (as am I), you know what that means?

It means that you're an American.

If anyone refuses you service based on your last name, you can create all kinds of problems for them.

As for all of the French bashing, by and large I think it's warranted.

The deal with "french military victories" is a JOKE. It's never been presented as anything more than that by anyone other than those who don't know the first thing about history.

Personally, I really think the French bashing is by and large on target. The French have, by an large througout history, been bad enemies but even worse allies.

Giving credit where credit is due, however, it was French intervention that allowed the United States to come into being as an independent nation.
Giving credit where credit is due, however, it was French intervention that allowed the United States to come into being as an independent nation.
Not long thereafter, the "French" had a brain transplant through the French Revolution.

Those French leaders who thought it good business to prod their British enemy by helping the American insurgents literally lost their heads.

The "French" soon found out that they lusted for the national glory the stable aristocracy had provided while they had power and their heads, and they ended up with Napoleon Bonaparte, and again found that they couldn't arrange the world to their suiting.

On the world scene, France has been a "has been" since the French Revolution, and it still is.

It was that French aristocracy that helped the United States to come into being. The French killed the French that helped the U.S. come into being, and just like Clementine, they "are lost and gone forever."
Well, sir, I believe I can help you. Besides beans and rice, you might try Instant Lunch Cup O' Noodles. They're fairly cheap and come in three flavors. Also, Kraft macaroni and cheese is a pretty cheap meal. For a good Sunday dinner, you can splurge and add a couple slices of store brand bacon. Beans and rice get pretty tiresome and I bet your house is not the best smelling of places if you subsist primarily on beans. You can find some cheap coconut incense at Pic N' Save to remedy that problem. Though I bet it's kind of hard to convince a date to come over to your house for a romantic meal of frijoles y arroz followed by an exciting game of Clue. Pardon me if you already pawned your board games. Plus, she probably won't be terribly impressed when you show up to pick her up with your bus pass and her one-way fare. Or, worse yet, in an AMC Pacer. You can, of course, cut costs by taking her to a museum. But those places have the pesky habit of being located next to those expensive restaurants like Denny's. She'll see the Denny's and want a high dollar meal of a Grand Slam breakfast and $3.99 doesn't grow on trees. She'd probably be a real pain and want coffee, too.

Well, don't feel too bad. All things, like beans, must pass. :D :evil: :neener:
My ancerstry is 1/4 French. That is something that I definitely AM NOT proud of!!!!

BTW!! does anyone know where I can get some Jacques Chirac toilet paper, of a Chirac urinal liner?
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