From the desk of Sarah Brady, now it begins

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assault weapon, assault rifle, whatever

On Monday, April 14, 2003, according to numerous press reports, an AK-47 assault rifle was used in a deadly shooting.... The AK-47 was one of the assault weapons banned by Congress by name in 1994.

Well, what was it? An assault rifle or an assault weapon? By definition, no assault weapon is an assault rifle, and yet VPC continues to conflate assault rifle (a technical term) with assault weapon (a legalistic term).

Either they are ignorant of firearms terms, or are deliberately lying. Either way, they should be kept away from firearms policy.

Come Monday, I might just have to call the sheriff's office in N'Awlins and find out whether that rifle was semi- or full-auto.
Guys! Guys! you're giving this too much attention - the brady bunch always does this after anything they can take advantage of - our job is to ignore this nonsense and make sure ALL of our congresscritters know that not only our continued support, but the only way to avoid our active opposition (as in we will actively campaign against them if they mess this up) is to insure that the ugly gun and big magazine law expires on time. That's all - everything else is just extraneous nonsense.
I saw a report that descibed the weapon used as "an SKS - The Chinese version of the AK-47".

No, I'm not making that up, I'm not THAT creative.

Let me find a link and I'll edit it in.

Found it:

One of the gunmen was armed with an SKS semiautomatic assault rifle -- the Chinese-made version of the AK-47 -- and the other with a 9 mm pistol.

It's a very long article but worth looking at. This shooting is nothing more than gang bangers shooting gang bangers. The fact that it happened at a school is secondary. This crap happens on the streets every day and no one raises an eyebrow (least of all Brady and her kind).
Williams "was wearing a heavy, loose-fitting coat that made it very difficult to detect the weapon," Minyard said.

As a result, the pistol was not found until his body was placed on an autopsy table and the gun fell from his pants pocket.

"It scared everybody when it dropped out," Minyard said.

Y'all have started writing letters to your congresscritters explaining why support for renewal of the ban will result in you not voting for them, right?
I've got my 13 letters ready for May 5th. Then I'll send 13 more each quarter till July '04 - then the emails start.
We need to get this right. Tell all. I'm printing 13 letters (less than a buck/using the forms available) w/ postage ($4.81)
All less than $5.00 a month. Only took about 1 1/2 hrs. to get them all squared away.
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There are always shootings of one form or another.

The difference is in how much media play they get. Then add to the mix how much anti-groups want to beat the drum and it appears something sinister always happens about the time of significant gun legislation.

Its a matter of perception.

I have to question if it's just a matter of perception. Yes, there are always shootings goin' on, but it DOES seem that, when any gun-ban issue comes up, we have a big (read: high publicity) shooting using the gun type in question. While I'm not saying that the anti's are staging these shootings (even *I* am not that paranoid), the press does seem to be pushing them at just the right time...
The latest report...

is that it wasn't even an AK, it was an SKS. Now according to the reporter who wrote the article, the SKS is the Chineese version of the AK-47.

The things we can learn from the press:scrutiny: :rolleyes:
I have written letters to congress critters and others.

In addition each time I see a Brady announcement I write a check for twenty to every pro gun organization of worth, most of which I am a member of.

If each gun owner would donate only one dollar to a pro gun organization each time Brady spoke, soon she would be silent!

It is my understanding she is ill and not long for this world. When a replacement for her is named, let us all send a ten spot to our favorite pro gun organization. When she departs, let us donate a buck or two to our favorite RKBA group -- in her name!!!

It is my understanding she is ill and not long for this world. When a replacement for her is named, let us all send a ten spot to our favorite pro gun organization. When she departs, let us donate a buck or two to our favorite RKBA group -- in her name!!!
Sarah Brady is ill, perhaps terminally so from lung cancer; but she has already effectively been replaced...yet she continues to draw her fat salaries [at last report, $300,000] from two organizations for pushing her brain-damaged husband around in his wheelchair.

We should be ever so thankful that their appearances aren't choreographed so that they appear on any lawn of the White House in support of the "assault-weapons ban"...or its continuance beyond the congressionally-mandated sunset.

The battle for a victory in the restoration of our 2nd Amendment Rights lies in the House of Commons and our insistence that the abomination she spawned be buried forever.

But I repeat myself...

The Choir may be excused, this is for any Sarah Brady lurkers.

Sarah Brady,

It is not the tool or implement used, it is always the INTENT .

Everytime there is a shooting you choose to use the media to boost your views, as do the other anti-gun organizations. I will be civil in regard to statistics you and others choose to cite .

Your reasoning is likened to sensationalism.
I'm going to use a matchbook as an example. Sure people light cigarettes, start the fireplace, and the BBQ grill, with matchbooks. Using your premise if an arsonist had decided to lock the students inside the school and then set the school ablaze, you would be pushing for a ban on pyrotechnics .

Guns,like matches can't do a darn thing by themselves. They both require a user. It is the intent of the user that determines the results of both.

So using your premise matches should be controlled/banished thus denying a user of a cigarette, warmth and food from the grill.

I respectfully disagree.
Using your premise if an arsonist had decided to lock the students inside the school and then set the school ablaze, you would be pushing for a ban on pyrotechnics .
The guitarist that died with the other 90+ people in the Great White pyro blaze was a buddy of mine. I hear some people are trying to ban the use of pyro now. It wasn't the tool, it was the person responsible for it's use or misuse. I agree.

"Folks, I don't mean to rain on your parade but, he [Pres.] is already pandering to her and all the other antis by expressing his (sic)support of the Assault Weapons Ban law set to sunset in Sept. 2004."[/]

Unless I read you incorrectly, The Prez is supporting the sunset?

Which is in direct contraditction to your "rain on the parade" theme ....

Which is it?
Didn't read wrong, I think.

I know where The Shrub 43 stands, but was just curious as to the contradiction posed by Bainx, is all.

"Pandering to" & "support of - to sunset" ARE contradictory.

Just asking.
The mail solicitations they used to send out usually contained a business reply envelope. I used to take this envelope, stuff all the accompanying paper into it, along with as much additional paper as I could fit into it, and send it back to them. They use their money to ransome their mail from the post office, which might hurt them a little.

Have also heard stories of people wrapping HCI's business reply envelope around a brick, and mailing that. I don't know that the po will still deliver such items, though it might be interesting to try.

At one point, we used to send them one penny, along with a comment as to the amount donated expressed our opinion concerning their value or worth. Guess we were removed from their mailing list, as it's been quite a while since I last received any mailings from them.

It's a free country, giving such scamers the ability to work their "magic", just as the rest of us have to ability to respond, "in kind", or as we see fit.
So much for the wishful thinking that the antis would ignore a gang shooting, they just omit the parts about gangs being involved...

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