Full Safe

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Jul 16, 2009
My safe is pretty full at this point. I still have several rifles on my wish list. My wife will not agree on getting another safe or a bigger safe. Where should I store my next rifle acquisitions?
She also thinks I have too many guns already, so I'm going to have to sneak them in. I know it's wrong to sneak purchases, but some people will never understand firearm collecting. She is also very frugal with money, so I can't suggest that she buy jewelry if I buy another gun or something like that. She is really a money saver type of person.
Any suggestions on how to get more rifles in the house?
My safe is pretty full at this point. I still have several rifles on my wish list. My wife will not agree on getting another safe or a bigger safe. Where should I store my next rifle acquisitions?
She also thinks I have too many guns already, so I'm going to have to sneak them in. I know it's wrong to sneak purchases, but some people will never understand firearm collecting. She is also very frugal with money, so I can't suggest that she buy jewelry if I buy another gun or something like that. She is really a money saver type of person.
Any suggestions on how to get more rifles in the house?
Yes, get a new wife...
Sounds like, typically and as with most wives, she has the better fiscal mindset. Don't worry... she'll keep you reigned in. :D
I'm buying my guns first, then looking at meeting women. I think that's the better order to do things in.

Why do you need more guns, if you don't mind me asking? If it's a matter of "I need this to hunt X" or "This would be good for HD compared to what I have", I say you should probably find a way to use that argument.

If, on the other hand, it's just to add to your collection...well in this case might want to let the Mrs. win.
Always remember, and never forget, the 24 hours rule.

If you have a newly acquired item in the home for a minimum of 24 hours, you can claim "Oh, that firearm/ guitar/ sewing machine has been there a long time. Is this the first time you've seen it?"

I use the sewing machine reference because my trophy wife caught on to this rule, and uses it freely.
Wait...your wife says you have too many guns? Has this happened to anyone else? I thought I was the only one. :what:
Rent a space at a storage facility?

I do not condone going behind your wife's back, although I'm not totally against nagging her until you get what you want:evil:
My wife and I discuss and agree on signficant purchases. This had included guns until...
1. I sold a gun
2. I bought gun stuff from a garage sale to sell at a profit
3. I sold some other hobby stuff
4. I did some odd jobs and earned money outside of normal income

The above established my gun fund, which she agreed to ahead of time, so no more discussion or strings attached for gun purchases.

Also, we have never had seperate banks accounts and trust each other to be open and honest in all financial matters. She feels that her home is secure in every aspect including financially. All that we have is "ours" and none of that his-or-hers fuss.

FWIW, I bought a Winchester 74 and another Wingmaster this month and had to shoe-horn them into a full cabinet.

IMO you need a reality check on priorities before you have regrets that will make your gun problems seem rather insignificant.
Mine would always say no. To her me getting a new gun is one step below burning it for heat or sending extra to the IRS. :rolleyes:

I say, be reasonable; If it is coming out of a discretionary fund, or is money you made that is extra or saved, i say go for it. It its grocery money, then she might be right.... If there is room next to your current safe, you could put one there or even just a gun locker for the less expensive guns in the collection.
my wife and i have a odd kind of thing going. she doesn't want me to buy new guns so I sneak most of them past her. then once in a while I tell her about extra money I have and "beg" her to let me get a gun I have been wanting for a long time. I pester her till she relents and then I get what I want and she assumes that those are the only ones I have purchased. If I didn't do it this way she would get suspicious. She knows better than to think that I would go a year or more without a new firearm purchase, so this keeps up appearances. I dont look at her sewing closet, she doesn't look in my safe. I know she buys stuff with out "permission" so I feel justified. As long as we stick to our budgets and our bills get paid there is no problem. if she finds out about one she didn't know about then I just beg for forgiveness and tell her how cool and necessary that particular piece was/is, and how much I love it...... and she eventually forgives me. it also helps that when I bought my safe(based on the convincing point that it would keep our then unborn child safer) I bought the absolute biggest one of decent quality I could afford. running out of room to hide them in wont be a problem for at least a little while. my eventually plan is to acquire so many that she loses track and then I am home free.
Wait...your wife says you have too many guns? Has this happened to anyone else? I thought I was the only one. :what:

It hasn't happened to those of us smart enough to have a wife who doesn't care or a wife that is into guns.

Or in my case, a wife who gave up counting what I have a long time ago... :D
Do you need another safe just for a few rifles? Just get a locking rifle case...or put a locking doorknob on a closet. Thats what i do.

Im not worried about theft or loss in a fire. Ive got insurance and i live in a really low crime neighborhood.

How much will the new rifles cost and how much is the safe? In otherr words...Why buy a $2,000 safe to protect $2,000 worth of guns?
I'm buying my guns first, then looking at meeting women.

Wow. You might find yourself to be happier in general if you change that to buying guns first then looking at settling down.

Anyways, all my higher end guns go in a real safe. Lower end and less expensive in one of those metal gun cases. For handguns use one of those door haning racks on the real safe.
Thanks for the replies guys. Some of them are truly funny and had me laughing.
I like your system captain awesome. I might use your ideas.
I have a good size safe, but I should have gotten a bigger one to begin with. I might have to start collecting pistols from now on since those are easier to hide.
Kind of in the same boat. But I just don't have room for another safe. Look into the lokcing stack-on cabinets. They're small and cheap. Put the beaters in there, the mosins and rossi break opens and the single shot 12 gauges. Keep the safe for the harder to replace items.
Lot's of funny comments....but on a serious note, I ran out of room a few years ago and tried an item called Rifle Rods (I think they changed the company to Gun Storage Solutions). Anyhow, my standing safe was full (I have a 2nd safe with shelves for handguns) and I removed all of the racks. This product has a simple piece of velcro you staple to the bottom of the top shelf, and about 16" rods with a disk on top with the opposite piece of velcro. You simply insert the rod in the barrel, stand it wherever you want, and lift the rod to "stick" to the bottom of the shelf. I increased my capacity to where I had to go out and buy a few more rifles :D.
If you really want to maintain marital bliss, you must agree on certain financial principles.
Among these are:
--Your monthly expenses must be covered.
--You must have an "emergency fund" that will cover unforseen exigencies.
--Any "discretionary" purchases should be agreed upon by both parties.

My wife is pretty understanding, but I don't see any reason to abuse her good nature. We are both adults.

In these financial times, if I want a new one, I generally sell one I am not using. That covers the problem of storage space, and does not put undue strain on the budget.

"He who dies with the most toys wins" is a juvenile approach to life. In reality, when you die with all those toys, your wife puts them on Craigslist and sells them for 10-35% of their actual value. Happens all the time.
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