Funny Things You Read in Old Gun Rags

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Moderator Emeritus
Apr 11, 2004
I was cleaning the book case of old rags and annuals. It is hysterical to read some of them:

1. The Colt 2000 - ultimate gun for the future
2. Why Police Will Stick with Revolvers
3. The SW 356 TSW - ultimate round for the future!

Oh, dear.

What funny things are being written as we sit here today.
I've often wondered the same thing - although for me, it's all the tactical adverts.
If it's new, and they're thrilled with it, odds are it will be a flop.

If it's old and tried-and-true, the article (for example, "100 loads for the .30-06") might be worth reading.
No big surprise -- gun rags need to pay the bills too & those articles are usuallly bought & paid for by gun manufacturers to gather interest in their newest widgets....part of the reason I stick to the pretty pictures :D
One of the reasons I liked Ross Seifried is that he so rarely did these puff pieces. He wrote interesting articles about old guns and real life experiences, not about the latest and greatest development of the day.

(Anybody know where's he's publishing his articles nowadays?)
Ross Seyfried still writes for Double Gun Journal, which also covers single-shots, and one more hunting magazine, the name of which escapes me at the moment. He wrote the Foreword to Hamilton Bowen's book on The Custom Revolver.
Ross Seyfried is VERY difficult to contact these days; there is a thread on this subject on another froum, which unfortunately seems to be down or even defunct.
I actually just tossed a few gun rags and one was "The New .41 Taurus" and the article claiming how it was going to be the next service caliber. And on the same page was the "New S&W Hammerless". Aw memories! Still waiting for the .41 Taurus to dominate the service pistols.... :D
My favorite comes from an old Hornaday reloading mnual I have on the shelf. Don't remember the exact wording, but it goes something like this: "while similar to the .222, the 5.56mm (.223) will never be more than a novelty round as long as the .222 is still around."
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