Gary, IN gets go ahead to sue gun manufacturers...

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Night Guy

Dec 24, 2003
Indianapolis, IN
I've trolled around this board for quite some time, but I finally decided to make my first post. I'm a fairly new shooter, but even I know how rediculous it is to blame a products manufacturer for the shortcomings of their customers. Anyways, I read the following article on my local newspapers website and it aggrivated me enough to bring it to your attention. Enjoy.
Yea it seems amazing to me after all the other suits around the country have been thrown out that they still persist. I suspect they know they will lose legally but hope to win in the battle for the mind of the sheep.

BTW welcome to THR and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours:D
I was really hoping after the Klintoon administration left this baloney would cease. Just can't keep greedy municipalities from seeking money from every imaginable source. No doubt they have already taken the citizens of Gary for all they can and this is their desperation mode.
Gary is a cesspool of crime. Take away guns and a certain percentage of Lake County folks will knife each other, take away knives and the same folks will beat each others brains out with Louisville Sluggers. They con't have a probelm with guns, they have a problem with character.

If they really want to get out of the running for "murder capitol of the world", they should start by trying to do something about the drug trade or invest money in community develpment to provide jobs that counteract poverty and give folks some more options.

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