George Clooney shoots his mouth off

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I guess you weren't a Don Rickles, Robin Williams, Red Skelton or any other comedian's fan?

P.S. I do not make fun of fat individuals, or anyone else. But "fat people" as a general concept- hey much like Jimmy Durante I suffer from a prominent proboscis, a magnificent schnozzola.

Ah-hah. Yes there are differences among:

1) Making jokes about fatness in general (yep, can be funny ... final scene of "The Meaning of Life" is a riot. "Just one waffer thin mint?")

2) Making fun of fat individuals like Rosie. (You wrote: "P.S. I do not make fun of fat individuals")

3) Pretending that a person's political views are wrong because she is overweight (this one edited for clarity).

I'm glad to see that I've moved you away from defending #2 and #3, which you were doing earlier. You've learned something today.

Rosie is fat, she could eat less/exercise more like any of us can, and probably avoid problems in the future.
You could have said the same thing about Sarah's smoking when Sarah was Rosie's age. I guess you'll stop laughing when Rosie is on her death bed with a weight related heart condition or terminal diabetes.
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Sadly,I like his movies.Or did.Now I know what a stupida$$ he really is.
Another one for the "I won't watch him again" list.
In Perfect Storm he wasn't armed,well, he did shoot that shark
with a shotgun.
Remember when Princess Di was killed?Clooney was out in
the media whining how it was the presses fault for hounding
"celebrities"(himself included).
What a maroon. :rolleyes:

I heard the Liberals are looking for an"Angry Liberal' to host talk shows so they can compete with talk radio hosts like Rush and Sean Hannity because they have done so much to advance the Conservative cause. Clooney could be trying to be setting himself up for the part.

Rush had a great line on his show yesterday about Clooney and his associations. Unfortunately I can't mention it without stirring up some debate on the Right to Life issue (and as strongly as I feel on that issue, I do not want to muck up the waters on this post).

I guess you'll stop laughing when Rosie is on her death bed with a weight related heart condition or terminal diabetes.

Exactly. :D

See, you learned something today too.....................;)

Edited to edit.
The way Clooney shoots his mouth off indiscriminately, you can understand where he's coming from on gun control.

If he can't and won't use his brain before speaking, then I expect he knows his limitations with regard to guns and has made an error in projecting those limitations onto others.

Personally, I think he deserves what he gets from this incident and should have no career, to borrow the spirit of his own comments.

The guy isn't in the same league as Heston as a thespian (One is an Oscar winner and starred in numerous movies; the other had bit parts on soap operas for a decade before ER and a fitful career in the movies.) and you can see the jealousy of that along with the indignation at not holding the "right" views.

If it weren't for soccer mommies getting hotpants for the guy, he'd have been written out of the script after a season or two on ER.
I think he deserves what he gets from this incident and should have no career,

$$$ talk. I see maybe one movie a year now, ususally I get the DVD (relative works in video store, I get them free). I refuse to pay for my own demise, and Clooney and his ilk seem h#ll bent on demising me. Let him get a real job (jeez, sounds so paternal).

For free, their movies are worth something.:fire:
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