George Lawrence Later Production numerical codes

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old gun

May 2, 2011
Just acquired a Lawrence model 7 shoulder holster with code of "770" and can find no reference to such a number in my old shooter's bibles that all end in a 600 numerical series. Does anyone have a clue which firearms are indicated with the "770" number?
I thank all responders in advance.
My 1965 Edition doesn't list any number in a 700-series, and my 1977 catalog doesn't list any holsters at all. Sorry I can't help.
My date code reference material goes up to 767...and that was for a Dan Wesson Model were the numbers 764-766.
770 code on Lawrence holsters

Thanks to all responders.

Clearly my 6" "K" frame does not fit, while my 4" Colt PPS does fit between the covers, although I'm not sure the particular #7 Lawrence was made for the 4" Colt, as it seems a little loose.

I have seen, on closed auction sites, references to 1970's and 1980's Lawrence catalogs, but there was no description of what was or was not in the catalog.

The "770" holster I recently acquired has a couple of scuffs on it and is minus the shoulder straps, so it is not yet ready to use. The leather. except for the scuffs, seems unused, perhaps it was stuck in a drawer without a strap and just got the drawer shut on it a couple of times.

Anyway I'll just keep on pursuing elusive "700" series size code.
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