Germany Will Not Aid US Soldiers In Chemical, Biological Attack

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Dec 25, 2002
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Germany Will Not Aid US Soldiers In Chemical, Biological Attack
By R. Raghavendra Correspondent
March 07, 2003

Berlin ( - Adding another sticking point to strained relations with the United States, Germany says its troops will not come to the rescue of American soldiers if they invade Iraq and face a chemical or biological attack there.

German defense minister Peter Struck said Friday that his forces will only defend and assist American soldiers and civilians based in Kuwait, where some German troops are currently stationed.

German soldiers in Kuwait possess equipment to detect contamination by biological and chemical weapons. But if the attack takes place in Iraq, German troops will not go forward to assist U.S. soldiers or their allies.

"Our soldiers will remain in Kuwait because the defense agreement applies to the citizens and American troops stationed in that country," Struck said in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. "The protection of American soldiers advancing in Iraqi territory must be taken on by the Americans themselves."

Germany has stood firm in its view that there should be no war. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder reiterated this stance Thursday when he said that the United Nations and the international community should discuss ways to achieve a peaceful solution. On Friday, Germany's foreign minister told the U.N. Security Council that there are "efficienct alternatives to war in Iraq."

After a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the German Chancellor said that Germany, France and Russia agreed that there was no need for a second resolution.

"The cooperation of Iraq has got better, but it still needs further improvement," Schroeder said. "Germany's basic position will remain intact, and it is a very, very firm position."

The German government has also announced that it would not help finance the rebuilding of Iraq if America invades. In 1991, Germany did not play an active military role in the first Gulf War, but it shared a large portion of the financial burden.

Last week, Berlin turned a request by NATO for additional Patriot air defense missiles for Turkey. The German government said that it had already fulfilled its obligation to NATO.

At the same time, however, Germany is prepared to increase the strength of its troops in Kuwait. The defense minister said that he would send additional troops to Iraq's neighbor to maintain security if the U.S. presence at Camp Doha is reduced because of war.

Last week, Germany said that it would send some 30 additional soldiers to join the elite troops operating the Fuchs - vehicles specially fitted with advanced equipment for detecting chemical, biological or nuclear contamination. The vehicles are stationed about 60 miles from the Iraqi border.

The German parliament has authorized the deployment of 800 elite troops in the region.

But the opposition Christian Democratic Union criticized the defense minister for his position on assistance to U.S. troops.

Friedbert Pflueger, the CDU foreign policy spokesman, described the move as "dangerous and unwise."

"I can't imagine that a German defense minister would deny emergency help for attacked American soldiers in Iraq only kilometers from where the Fuchs are stationed," Pflueger said.
It's really going to be interesting to see the "MADE IN" labels on a lot of this dangerous stuff that American troops are going to find in Iraq.
Then some rectum German and French leaders can be put on the spot explaining it.

El Tejon, Mike, Clem and y'all. As you've implied I've seen evidence on the net (I need to start bookmarking this stuff!) that the Germans have substantially contributed technology to the Iraqi chemical warfare program. I mentioned this to a friend, uhm, someone with similar background, and he mentioned that everytime he sees the Bayer company's subsidiaries advertising pesticide he's reminded of 'tabun und sarin' time in Germany.

[for those who aren't aware: 'tabun and sarin' were the names of the two nerve gas agents (originally developed as pesticides) used in concentration camp gas chambers.]

corrected for punctuation
for those who aren't aware: 'tabun and sarin' were the names of the two nerve gas agents (originally developed as pesticides) used in concentration camp gas chambers.]

Actually the gas used by our enemy/ally and hopefully soon to be enemy again in thier murderous campaign against innocent women and children was Zyklon-B, a pesticide

But if the attack takes place in Iraq, German troops will not go forward to assist U.S. soldiers or their allies.

Whatever gave them the idea that our troops would need their help in the first place?
I'm with some of you guys ... sounds to me as though the French and Germans are in this up to their eyeballs. If we think the relationship is strained now, I wonder how the landscape will change if we find out that they have been providing the WMD to Iraq that Hussein claims he does not have ... and they have been unwilling to force him to reveal. Pretty ugly.

If Americans die, and Germans don't provide aid, but provided the weapons ... Americans will remember.

Keep gambling, France and Germany. Americans are watching ... especially the children of WWII vets.

Regards from TX
France and Germany

The most dysfunctional countries in Europe's recent history. How many Americans and British lives have been claimed by these two used-to-be's? Enough is enough.

Any war materiel found in Iraq that originated in those countries should be returned to them in their capitols and parliament chambers by uniformed U.S. troops, pointy end first.

If you're not with us, you're against us. God pity you.
No problem...

Alliances are like marriages...

You don't have to agree all of the time. As for the WMD angle, I am not aware of any plan on the part of the DoD to rely on another nation to fill a mission critical area.
Zyklon B does sound like a code name. . . in the form used in the camps, Zyklon B consisted of pellets which were dropped in through roof vents and reacted with air to form Cyanide compounds which then killed the inhabitants. It was more efficient as a death-chamber gas than in its intended role because it took a much lower dose to kill warm-blooded mammals than to kill insects like lice (a fact either unknown to or ignored by Fred Leuchter when he "proved" that the death chambers at Auschwitz were actually harmless rooms used to de-louse clothing.)

Does that sound like Tabun or Sarin? I'm not familiar with them.

(All facts above are subject to Don's steady loss of memory cells which are apparently dying off and not being replaced. Better check the facts yourself.)
I'm thinking, Germany being as socialist as it is, probably hasn't issued ammo to their troops in rear areas. Seems to me a suitable response would be to give American units GPS presets to the German decon units and send any and all contaminated Americans, especially combat units, there first.

Wonder what would happen then?
With respect, I think most business people would tell you that Germany has a very long ways to go before it could not be considered socialist. A couple state elections won't undue the mess they've created for themselves ...

Regards from TX
We had a pretty conservative/liberal (in its true sense) government for 16 years. Now we're having a social-Democrat/green government for four and a half years, which is rapidly loosing support and suffering landslide losses in state elections.

You had a social-Democrat government for eight years that you exchanged for a conservative one two years ago. When can we consider the USA no longer Clinton-socialist?
BTW, according to my sources Germany has 114 Fox NBC recon vehicles, the USA has 123, the UK has 11 and Israel has 8. The sources says Saudi-Arabia has them, too, but doesn't say how many.
If we need help from the Germans, than we are pathetic.
They have been our lap dogs for almost 60 years and now they decide to start yipping.

Screw the Germans, French, Turks and all the other Euro Trash Cowards. :D
T.Stahl, while we Americans scream about socialistic Clinton policies, he / they could never hold a candle to the socialistic policies of Europe. If you disagree, you really should visit the U.S. And, compare standards of living while you're at it.

I don't have the stat's handy, but do you believe there are as many people clamoring to enter Germany as the U.S.?

Finally, to be frank, based upon the elitist attitude of peoples in France and Germany, many of us in the U.S. don't really care what you folks think anyway. You go your way, we'll go ours. Good luck. Goodbye. Defend your own country from now on.

Regards from TX
Herr Stahl, I'm the one who originally referred to Germany as socialist, and as you may have gathered from an American perspective that's an accurate statement. Of course there are distinct portions of America that are socialist (NYC, NY, MA, HI, CT, CA, portions of Illinois and Ohio, Portions of Wisconsin...I could go on.).

It's nice to see that at least substantive portions of your country are trying to move away from socialism. Given the relative sizes of our respective countries, if you make a concerted push to get the socialists out entirely (maybe send them to France? no wait a minute, that's been done. hmm...needs work) anyway given the relative sizes, you'll probably succeed in getting rid of all of yours before we get rid of all of ours. Right now we're just trying to treat them like infections and limit their areas of influence. Guess we'll see what comes after that.
Ledbetter, there are people out there (not I!) who think that 03-17-03 will show whether the US is imperialistic or not. :(

Jeff, I admit that our socialists are more socialistic than your socialists. ;)

I also admit that my standard of living, as an engineer, might be higher if I lived in the US. On the other hand I'm sure that the average standards of living are about equal, taking into account that a much higher percentage of Americans are living under the poverty line.

Ahadams, in the last state elections the conservative party scored >70% in my family's municipality. Which surely didn't amuse the socialist mayor. :D

Germany is currently experienceing a massive swing to the right. The social-Democrats had four years to improve the situation and didn't succeed, it even got worse. The only reason they won the elections has been their anti-war stance. And that explains why they can't change their attitude regarding a war in Iraq, they'd prove that they can't keep their word and lied one more time.

Do they have a plan for after the war is won?

I'm not saying we do. Iraq will be conquered, but the last thing we're going to want to do is liberate the Shiites. Turkey will never stand for a Kurdish nation, so those people won't think they've been liberated. We'll probably end up having to replace Saddam with another Saddam, but what will your government do?
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