Giraud Tri Way Case Trimmer

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I like my Giraud Tri-way ALOT, I'd love if they made them in more chamberings. As it is I definitely plan on buying a 308 version. Yes my preference is the drill press also. I have one of those double-sided, self-healing cutting mats on the fixture plate so the cases don't sit and spin, seems to have helped quite a bit.
Have one, love it. Bought a cheap grinder off amazon(wen brand I think?), cut the threads off the grinder wheel sides, used a coupler to stick the tri-way on there, and just go to town. Since the brass is facing downwards while trimming, I have yet to get any shavings back in the case. Hands down one of the best tools for trimming.
Yeah, die set on the way, just wet tumbled 5 loads today. This changed my lazy factor for .223 case prep./avoidance to processing a couple thousand cases.
That’s nice. Their trimmer machine is pretty nice. I use an RCBS 3-way with an M12 drill attached. A little more spartan...
For those that use one of these, how much friction does the trimmer put on the case? If it's got lube on it will it spin in your hand if you don't really pinch the case?
From the videos it doesn't look like alot, I was actually wondering the same thing today. My brass is prepped for this, and will remain lubed until I use this. I should have it within a week, I'll post a report.
Yes, it will spin if the case is lubed. Got to pinch it a bit. And it will make your fingers dirty. It can also snag the case mouth if you press too hard when inserting. Then you have to back off a little and use light pressure to cut off the burr the carbide cutter made.
Yeah, a couple guys in videos said to wear work gloves for grip, and so it won't scrape fingers. However, I use lanolin for lube (12:1 alcohol/lanolin mix), so they aren't very slippery compared to something like RCBS lube. It's easier to spray it on more thinly as opposed to rolling the cases on a pad.
This is one of the best purchases I've made. It saves a ton of time when reloading in bulk. I do wear a set of rubber cut proof work gloves with mine it really helps hold the case as well as prevent my nail from getting caught on the bottom of the bearing in the trimmer case.
I've also got the Tri-Way in .223 mounted in a drill press for processing range pick-up brass from matches and classes, pretty awesome.

I've also got a Trim-it 2, once set it also works well, but the adjustability is a PITA, literally "too much of a good thing". I've set it up for 7.62 and just leave it alone. Going to buy another trimmer shortly for .300BO and it will be a Tri-Way.
871582AD-F376-4007-A008-5AA874BAB6A5.jpeg CF9BEECB-79D0-4CFB-9740-2A0BB5BD3D5F.jpeg So the thread pitch of the screw that holds the handle on RCBS case trimmer 2 is M5x.80. That’s about 3/16. Cut some threads. Made my adapter. I had a few extra 3/16 drill bits with hex ends, but the tool steel was a touch too hard for the dies. Same end result. If you run the drill clockwise, it ain’t spinning loose. I suppose if you had a cheap drill bit or maybe a cheap longer Phillips bit, you could cut off the end and try cutting threads. This works for me.

Must get this Giraud trimmer though. I just got some extra powder for 308, including CFE223 and some 155 Sierra MK’s.
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I wish dillon would build a trimmer blade for the 1500 that deburs and chamfers.

I started with the 223 tri way. works great. I ended up moving to the power trimner but still use the tri way for 223.
When I use mine, I wear a set of welding gloves and I can normally trim around 1500 or so before my fingers start getting sore. If I take a break for an hour or so, I can go right back and do another 1000 or so. After that, I normally call it good for a couple days.

As for friction, yes, it will cause some friction, but not a significant amount. I was very concerned at first, because I saw a faint ring where it looked like it scraped the brass where the collar is. After reloading that piece of 5.56 brass 11 times before the primer pocket was too loose to hold a primer, I came to the conclusion the concern about the ring was unfounded. I normally recycle my brass after 5-6 reloads, anyway.
not good for the brasses to hot its to fast .
Have you ever picked up a case 1 second after it was shot? Try it and you'll see why I'm not worried about hot brass. Besides, based on the videos of actual use I've seen, it takes less than 3 seconds per case. No way it gets hot enough to compromise the molecular intergrity of the mouth/neck.

There is one thing that changes the molecular structure, a hot blow torch for 5 seconds, otherwise known as annealing. :what:
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