Girls with guns

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Dec 27, 2002
Auburn, Alabama
This slide show is from the Atlanta Creative Loafing magazine. The voice over is kind of artsy-fartsy and leans toward the "women soft and nurturing/guns hard and dangerous" ... but overall it is not entirely negative about it.

(via Kevin at "The Smallest Minority" who got it from Tamara at "Books, Bikes and Boomsticks")
I didn't hear Sara Brady in that at all. I thought it looked more like a cross between govt. funded art and a "Women On Target" presentation.
"Is she going to serve me cheese whiz on crackers, or bust a cap in my..."

The Narrator sounded like a fool when this was forced from her mouth. :rolleyes:

Overall, not too bad. Kinda immature but at least presented the positive aspects of women with guns.

"Does she want to serve me cheese whiz on crackers, or pop a cap in my a$$."
I loved that line.

I thought it was a very positive piece, whether the narrator meant it to be or not. I saw a lot of women, grandmoms, moms and daughters, comfortable and unapologetic about their guns and their willingness to use them.
I don't see how any of you see this as anti-prop. The message of the video (I havent finished it, I"m at 3:26 and just got to the "I she going to serve me cheese whiz on crackers, or is she gonna pop a cap in my a$$" part) is CLEARLY this:

Women of all walks of life can carry guns, and they are proud of it. Guns are not necessarily the male-dominated, ego-driven, phallic extension of hot-headed agression that Hollywood would like you to believe.

Thank you for the link. I'm going to make this video clip part of my end of term, English 10th grade class. I'm going to use it to teach symbolism and deconstructionism.

ETA: Just finished it. The final thought of this piece: "Images like this one suggest that they will not go easily into victimhood."

Hell, yes.
Way to go, girl. I'm going to send her an email praising her work (and the critic's evaluation)
"Her posture leaves no doubt about her willingness to use the gun.":D
What's gotten into the water? Even CNN has posted a bias-free piece on women and carry permits.

"AP probe finds drugs in drinking water"

"A vast array of pharmaceuticals - including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones - have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows."

The anti-psychotics must be having an effect! Bump up the dosage!
Suprising from CNN...

However, for ever pro 2nd clip they show, there is a hundred anti clips.

Still, very well done.

Who says men don't do their homework when shopping for guns though? I feel slighted!
"Owning your power..." The perfect description of non-agressive armament.

Casual presenation of a firearm speaks to a deeper sense of confidence and restraint than brandishing one wildly. Sure, Mr & Mrs Smith-type shoot-outs are sexy, but they also place the idea of being armed into a world of fantasy rather than grounding it in the reality of everyday gun onwership. I thought this was a really positive and prescient set of work.
I enjoyed both of the clips. Could it be that CNN was just reporting a trend that they found newsworthy?
I thought it was almost as though the the narrator did not want to like want she was seeing, but had to appreciate these women.

I thought the contrast between Hollywood's ultra-sexualized versions of women with guns and this image real women that refuse to be gentle victims was spot on.
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