"Give me more than I'm privied to!" Mock Thread

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Taurus 66

Dec 9, 2004
Rochester, NY
Post photos of your gun cabinets and all other secret storage places here on this thread. Include street address, country, city/town, state, and zip code. Make sure you inform this community of every gun you own, by manufacturer, model, caliber and serial numbers of each.

Every single person here is to be trusted.

How large is your ammunition cache and are any of your doors (or windows) left unlocked whenever your house is vacant? Please include hours of routine vacancies and any abrupt changes in the common routine.

This is the thread to just let loose. Post away to your heart's content and just have fun. :evil:

I only have that one single shot 20 gauge but I don't know anyone that sells that kind of ammo.....

Oh I am at

2401 East Airport Freeway
Irving, Texas 75062

So, where does one draw the line? If we call say, "Nope, no guns here. Nope, never shot one of those. Ammo? Haven't shot enough to know about failures. Holsters? Nope, not carry." and so forth, we wouldn't have much to say, would we?

While it is certainly prudent to keep some information to oneself, you kind of have to share something to contribute.

Pretty much nothing any of us posts is anyone else's business to know. If someone asks how much ammo one owns, you have two very simple options. Respond or not. If you feel comfortable saying you have 20 cases of ammo in the truck of your car, fine. If you don't want to say that you only own 3 boxes of WWB that you keep in the back of your closet, that's fine too.

Most of us are grown-ups here and can make decisions. Like everything else, how much you disclose may or may not have consequences.
Jorg, type and post whatever you want. I'm not imposing on your rights to do that kind of stuff. Infact I condone it. Just don't forget to include street address and all the other do dads I listed. :p
The fear of "I've got guns" comments is kind of lost on me. I would bet a huge sum of money that all but one or two houses in my whole neighborhood do NOT have at least one gun in the house.
Maybe not even that many........ I don't really know those people yet, lol.
So, you want people make up fake posts to make fun of those who do reveal perhaps too much? Wow, that sounds great. Here, I'll try:

I own a machine gun. I live at 123 Main St in Anytown, Yourstate USA. I am gone to play golf on Wednesday all day.

Nope, that wasn't fun or satisfying at all. :rolleyes:
If someone's able to match the inside of your safe with a picture on the internet, they're already in your safe and the point is moot.

If you can't show pics relevant to the forum, then what's the point?
So, you want people make up fake posts to make fun of those who do reveal perhaps too much? Wow, that sounds great. Here, I'll try:

I own a machine gun. I live at 123 Main St in Anytown, Yourstate USA. I am gone to play golf on Wednesday all day.

Nope, that wasn't fun or satisfying at all.
You sir, are by far the biggest dick on this forum.
If you disagree or don't condone someones point... PASS ON. Don't relieve us with your angry *******-ness.

If someone's able to match the inside of your safe with a picture on the internet, they're already in your safe and the point is moot.

Apparently you aren't aware of the young man on a 4x4 forum who tried to sell used parts as new and then tried to up the selling price after after a deal was made.

Within a few posts other forum members had found his address, his phone number,and had posted the life history of him and his parents and had photos included.

A person who knows their way around a computer can back track from your post on here and find out where the computer you typed your response in this thread is located.

So if they really wanted to they could find your house and your safe just from info you have already posted.
A person who knows their way around a computer can back track from your post on here and find out where the computer you typed your response in this thread is located.

No they can't.
Not without getting help from your ISP.
The only way that can happen is if you own a registered IP address which very few folks do.

If that's true, find someone to tell you who I am and where I am, using these tricks. There's $500 bucks in it for you.

I need to see the steps documented and where the info came from.

500 cash.

Now, what really happens is someone else knows you in real life and tells on you.
THAT happens all the time and is likely what happened to the 4x4 thing. That story has been passed around for a long time, no one has ever actually shown that it happened.
I have access to everything. Yup, all of it, from single-shot .22's to ICBM-delivered nukular warheads. My address?

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.

Phone number: 1-800-USA-PREZ
Spaknaveli should scare the hell out of you all my friends.

Though he did not use the system described above, locating the posting PC by "back tracking", he did indeed track me down and even called my house. He didn't find the location of the PC since I am not at home, I am using a Verizon wireless EVDO card but that's nitpicky and the end result is the same. I saw the missed call because Vonage emails me when I get a call.

The detractors (I'm formerly one) should be scared.

I appreciate him doing that, it was indeed a real eye opener.

Since I invited it I'm certainly not mad or anything, indeed quite the opposite.

Knowing how it was done will allow me to take some steps, but it's very impressive.

If he wants I will buy him a Molon Labe had from Correia as thanks.
You said $500 cash, not some molon labe stickers (which, by the way, I'm having made for free by a friend). ;)

You're an engineer so it shouldn't be hard for you to stand up to your offer.
No I said locate my PC, which has not been done.

from the OPs note:

find out where the computer you typed your response in this thread is located.

and my challenge:

If that's true, find someone to tell you who I am and where I am, using these tricks.
You did not tell me where I am.

End result however is the same, so there is plenty folks should be worried about.

My PC is currently several hundred miles from my address.

But as I say, it should open a lot of eyes, it did mine.
No question it is scarier, which is why I am posting the story for others.

I figured, like most folks, that it could be done eventually and with a lot of work.

That it only took you a few minutes is the impressive, and scary part.
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