Give this guy some well earned congratulations!

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Absolutely. The administration likes to say "catchy but stupid" things like: "Assault weapons bans deserve a vote in the congress", and the masses' eyes glaze over with stupidity, and they blithely agree "yes, that sounds reasonable, it deserves a vote..."

The chair of the Judiciary Committee (Goodlatte) is the one who calls the bs on this. Things like weapons bans and registration do not deserve a vote at all. Those things DESERVE to be squashed in committee. They are so obviously against the constitution and the 2nd Amendment, that voting for them should be out of the question.

Only things that are constitutional deserve a vote, and that's what these committees are supposed to determine. He DEFINITELY has the right idea, and I'm glad he's gonna stick to those principles, despite what the "sound byte" emotionally driven crowd like Feinstein, the vp, and the prez have to say about it.
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