Global warming = gun control

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Oct 25, 2003
On top of a mountain in Colorado
OK, My thread in the "Politics" section on Golbal Warming got shut down. But, the same forces claiming global warming, the UN, Communist countries, Soros, etc.are fighting for a UN-backed ban on small arms. They use myths to achieve their goals. "Global warming" is just code for socialist control. If you think you will have any means to defend yourself against a "climate-controlled world order" I think you are doomed from the start. Al Gore's movie is not about global warming. It is about global totalitarinanism. They will have guns, you will be on the receiving end.
Um, yes...but, the, um, er "freedom??? (hating???) moderators closed my post on Global Warming = Global Socialism post I put up earlier today. All the UN small arms control and the Kyoto are the same...SAME...thing! If there is Iraq Oil-for-Food kickbact to THR, this thread will be closed like my last one!
Beware! The evil moderators are lurking! We watch your every step! We know where you sleep! We . . . oh, darnit, there I go daydreaming again! :evil:

If global warming was OT before, it's still OT. Finis.
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