Global Warming?

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Oct 25, 2003
On top of a mountain in Colorado
Seems like Al Gore has a new movie coming out on Global Warming. I call these people "watermelon people". They have a thin, green layer on the outside, but they are RED on the inside.

On a TV show this was being discussed and someone made a comment about some new invention that would take CO2 out of the air and turn it into oxygen. I thought to myself "yes, it is called a tree".

It is just amazing to me that the solution to every problem is socialism. When I ask global warming true believers to tell me what the Interglacial Warming Period is, they don't have a clue that it is the current warming period between the more common ice age periods. We are at about year 18,000 of a warming spell that usually lasts about 20,000 years before the ice age returns. The temperature was not constant before the industrial revolution so why are we surprised that it is not constant now.

It turns out that water vapor is the strongest greenhouse gas and CO2 is relatively weak. Those who now favor changing to hydrogen power (which produces water vapor when burned) will be crying about poisonous emissions of H-Twenty if we ever get hydrogen power.

Anyway, I hope this does not sweep Gore into the presidential race again. Isn't he satisfied with his royalties from inventing the internet?
Damned Dihydrogen Monoxide !! It's going to be the death of us all !!! Mountainclmbr, I just wish that people would realize that this global warming trend is cyclic in nature. Granted, mankind has contributed to it to some extent. However, that contribution is pretty minimal compared to the big picture. Just for the eco-freaks, the largest contributor is industrialized farming. Do we allow the farming industry to heat up the world a small bit or do we just allow ourselves to starve??
Well, old Al's gotta do SOMETHING with all those millions,doesn't he? I've often wondered why the atmospheric modelers don't account for volcanism as a climate factor. Volcanic eruptions, especially the larger ones are said to cause cooling in the atmosphere. I remember when St. Helens went up. We had a very cool, wet summer that year.
And rants about global warming science vs. belief have WHAT, precisely, to do with firearms?

Kinda think that belongs more on Free Republic, if you want people to nod along. It's not guns.
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