glock 23 chambering

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No, but I don't have any post-ban 13-round mags either.

I have heard some of the new ones are made very (too) tight with 13 rounds.

All of my pre-ban 13-round, and ban 10-round mags work fine.

Are you having problems dropping the open slide with the slide stop, or slingshotting the first round from a closed slide?

Is it a new magazine? For the period I owned a G23, I did not have a problem chambering the first round. Getting the "last" round into the new mag was challenging, but once I did, I let it sit for a week or two and everything was normal.
im having trouble with a closed slide. open works just fine
Only two possible things can cause that.

1. The mag is not fully locking in place because of the stack tension.
(Smack the crap out of it when you seat it in the gun!)

2. You are riding the slide down with you hand after you pull it fully to the rear and release it.
(Pull it all the way back, and then let it go.)
It will have more force then it would have starting from the slide-lock release point.

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