Glock 26 Summer carry ?

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Sep 9, 2009
Anyone CC aG26 durning the summer months? Which holster works best for you? Im thinking a IWB type may be best for me .
IF the g26 is considered to be too big, give some Ideals on a good carry gun with a good trigger, that has proven itself! I cant afford a Kahr.
As always thanks for your replies!!!
I carried a 27 in a FIST #1AK, wearing board shorts and a pretty slim by my standards t-shirt, not visible at all. Great holster, the clip is decent, could be better, but the holster is so thin and the gun just pops in and out, it's a great all around holster.

It's very reasonably priced as well, though it will take a few weeks to get it.
I have a Glock 27 in Galco's Summer Comfort IWB.

The ultra-thin Kydex mentioned above might work a bit better though. Also if you have a "tire" the handle of the 26/27 gets pushed out a bit lol.
Try "appendix carry" with it. I wear shorts/T-shirts and use a Galco "Sto N Go" holster with my Glock 27. It hides so well I sold my LCP since I never really needed a pocket gun with my appendix setup. YMMV.
i carry mine in a desanti cozy partner iwb holster year round, i wear it behind my right hip above my wallet, the holster has a fowrd cant that makes it more comfortable imo to draw from behind you.
Anyone CC aG26 durning the summer months? Which holster works best for you? Im thinking a IWB type may be best for me

I have one in a FIST IWB holster on my hip right now.
i carry mine in a desanti cozy partner iwb holster year round, i wear it behind my right hip above my wallet, the holster has a fowrd cant that makes it more comfortable imo to draw from behind you.
+1 to uspJ's method
My every day summer carry pistol is a Glock 27 in an IWB holster. The pistol rides high and tight to my body, conceals well under a t-shirt and is comfortable for all day carry.

I've been (front) pocket carrying a G26 almost everyday fr the past 5-6 years. For the past year it has been in a Desantis Nemesis. If I am carrying on the belt, I usually prefer another handgun, but if it's the Glock then it is is in a Galco UDC.
I found that I would carry my G26 (when I had one) in the front pocket, in a UM#1 holster. As I only owned pleated trousers it wasn't a problem.
G26 Summer Carry

I've been doing cargo-pocket carry with an Uncle Mike's #4, or IWB at 1'oclock with an UM #12.

Either one is functional, but not ideal yet. The #12 (while comfortable and very concealed) rides pretty low, so it takes a second to get a positive grip. I've got a Crossbreed Supertuck on order, I've been happy with them in the past.

The #4pocket holster just barely covers the trigger guard. It works well if the cargo pockets are a bit on the small side, but if they are too large the pistol can rotate to the horizontal, again causing presentation problems. I've got my eyes out for something that will be a bit more reliable at keeping it upright. I like the cargo pocket position because its accessible sitting/standing/driving, etc.

Either method has been extremely comfortable, and hasn't caused any "is that a gun?" moments in public.

Take care!

I wish I had discovered the Crossbreed Supertuck when I had my Glock 27. I used to use a summer comfort type holster and I was not impressed with how it felt.
For those of you into Appendix IWB, look at the Shaggy from Custom Carry Concepts. I haven't tried it yet, but the guys on have been touting it as the best thing since sliced bread. Sadly the guy running the shop is so backed up that he's stopped taking orders until he can clear everything already in front of him.
I carried a 26 in a Comp-Tac IWB (I forget the model) on the right hip for awhile, but wasn't happy with the combination. Although it fit my hand and shot OK, I never cottoned to the Glock and replaced it with an S&W 3rd gen. Now if I could lose a few pounds and go back to an appendix carry (or even crossdraw), I'd be happy.
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