glock v alien, would you intervene?

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Did ya'll see the scenario in the show with the 'plasma gun'? They had this huge silvery sci-fi monstosity on a tripod, and got some guy who had only ever shot a BB gun to test it out. They had some psuedo-military guy in a buzzcut and a green jumpsuit who helped the mark shoot the gun, and another older guy who sat in a shack downrange to "monitor the test". The mark was a little timid, but after the first shot with the 'gun' the target (which was rigged with some pyrotechnics) blew up, he had more fun shooting the second target. Problem was the third target was right over the shack that the older guy was sitting in to monitor the test. The mark says something like "You sure you want me to shoot that? Isn't it too close?" At this point I'm yelling "FOURTH RULE, YOU @#$^" at the TV... :D Of course he doesn't hit the third target, and the shack blows up. Then the mark starts whining like a little girl. Sort of pathetic.
I would love to see the show with the guy who fought back but man the producers are lucky he didnt know how to deliver fatal blows as it sounds like he had time to do it with getting 15 shots in. What do they expect a person to do when they think they just saw someone stabbed? Not everyone runs - well maybe in hollywood they do.

These shows better be careful. I bet a lot of people who carry dont tell their co-workers who they are friends with let alone all of their regular friends.

My wife saw that commercial for the show, and the first thing she said was, "I'd feel sorry for anyone who would try to pull a stunt like that on you."
I kinda figured someone would sue and/or shoot one of the actors. You don't know what you are digging into when you try to scare people like that. If some Yeti thing stuck his face up to MY camper, it wouldn't be alive much longer. Double aught buck to the face. :D
"does anyone have any kind of weapon?"

I've only seen commercials. If you listen during the "bigfoot at the camper" piece, one of the people asks the above question. My first thought when I heard it was Tamara:

Cop: "Do you have any weapons?"

Tam:"Yeah. What d' ya want?"

They had an almost near "real" incident in one of them. Some guys sister set him up. One of her friends was driving and they picked up a hitch hicker. The brother and sister were in the back and the hicker was in front with the driver. They stop to let the hicker out to relieve himself. The driver starts riflign through the hitchhikers bag and they find a "head".

Before the hitchhiker gets back into the car, the brother states, "Man I knew I should have brought my knife with me".

The hitch hiker gets back into the car, starts screaming about someone going through his bag, pulls out one of those fake knives and "stabs" the driver.

The brother not knowing that this is a setup starts wailing on the hitch hiker. They finally get the brother to stop punching enough to tell him it was a prank. If that happened to me the guy with the knife would have had his neck snapped rather quickly.

As much as I like the candid camera/pranks premise, this show will not last long before the producers are poor from lawsuits. It's either that or all of tem will have to be staged 100% with actors and they will be "reenactments" or something.
Pulling these kind of pranks is beyond stupid, and is a great way to speed along the process of ‘survival of the fit'. Somebody is bound to die eventually.

That said, if you are so stupid that you honestly believe an alien from outer space is trying to kill you, I hope you die a quick death and clean up the gene pool. I know that's cold blooded, but anybody who really believes an alien from outer space is chasing them doesn't have enough common sense to be allowed to pass on their genetics. :p
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