GOA Taking Action in NO gun confiscations

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That's what I like to see, make it easy for me to "rattle a few cages."

Definitely worth the price of admission. I guess I'll go to the website and find out how to join GOA while I'm there.
The NRA claims to have issued a press release regarding this issue. I have not seen any mention of said press release in the mainstream media.

Does anyone have a link (other than the NRA website) that shows that the NRA press release was actually issued?
I seriously doubt you will see much about the NRA in the MAIN stream media unless they happen to loose a big battle.
Another one of many good reasons to be a member. I happen to enjoy it that the MEDIA refuses almost any mention of Orgs like the GOA or NRA and even O'reily's show. I just heard last night that "The FACTOR" has been the most watched News show for 200 weeks running and the Mainstream Media still does not get it. Almost four full years in the top slot and you never hear anything about it. TILT!
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Exactly what "action" is being taken by the GOA here?

From the link it owuld appear that they have set up a website with 5 links containing articles about the situation, and that they have provided a form letter for you to send to your congressmen. They also appear to have sent their own angry letters and promise to pursue any legal avenue available to them, with this little disclaimer:

GOA does not have standing to sue in the courts.

which pretty much closes any legal avenue that they could have possibly pursued. They also made up their own "model legislation" that will fix everything.

Again, im wondering where all this "action" that the GOA is famous for is happening.
Well, NRA and GOA both have people in NO actively looking for "victims" of the disarmament. As they say, neither group can sue over this since they have no standing. NRA says when they finda victim willing to sue they will help. If they can't find a victim willing to fight it, then that will be that. You can't sue over something you saw on TV.

NRA has vowed to look at all 50 states emergency powers statutes and fight for changes in states where disarming during an emergency is allowed. GOA is doing the same.

There's not much more anyone could do, so I'd say both groups are doing exactly what they should be doing, and I sent them each another $50 for fighting the fight.
One thing to keep in mind: Too many folks on this forum seem to think that filing a lawsuit, and winning are one in the same. I mean, "WE" are right aren't we?? Well maybe not, at least so far as some judges are concerned. Courts can rule any way they want, and it should never be forgotten that courts are part of the government, and therefore could be part of the problem, rather then a solution. While strong 2nd Amendment advocates obviously populate this forum, that isn't the case throughout the general population. If that was the case we wouldn't be fighting all the time to hold our own, let alone turn back some of the present laws.

To the degree that we have been successful the victories have come in Congress and state legislatures rather then the courts for the most part.

At the moment, both the NRA and GOA seem to be going after legislators, who after all have to get elected. Federal judges don't.

Something to think about ... :scrutiny:
One thing to keep in mind: Too many folks on this forum seem to think that filing a lawsuit, and winning are one in the same.

The GOA made it very clear in their statement that they will NOT file a lawsuit. They themselves have said that they CANNOT do this.

THis is a direct quote from the GOA statement:

GOA does not have standing to sue in the courts.

So again, i would really like to know exactly what the GOA is doing with the money they are being sent be concerned gun owners.
It means they are looking for a memeber, or another, who had his or her firearms illegally confiscated, and is willing to file suit in a court of law, with GOA and NRA backing.
Injunction + Class Action Lawsuit with Punitive Damages Works the Best

The most effective means to reverse this - and most importantly PREVENT IT in the FUTURE - is to file a Class Action Lawsuit with an Injunction against such activity plus Punitive Damages - and seeking the order of the Court that the confiscated firearms be returned to their lawful owners with an apology.
The GOA made it very clear in their statement that they will NOT file a lawsuit. They themselves have said that they CANNOT do this.

THis is a direct quote from the GOA statement:

GOA does not have standing to sue in the courts.

So again, i would really like to know exactly what the GOA is doing with the money they are being sent be concerned gun owners.

Did you read the next two sentences right after the one you quoted?

However, we can help a member who has had his or her guns illegally confiscated. We already know of one person in Louisiana who is planning to bring a suit, and we will be prepared to spend money to advance cases like this one.
Yep, I read them. "we will be prepared to spend money" does not mean they are spending money. Maybe they are collecting money. Maybe they are preparing to collect money. Heck, it says what it says - a promise that they will be prepared to spend money.

Like the NRA said...stay tuned.

Watching the video

makes me boiling mad as an American. If the cops ever come to my house to "Save me" I truly hope they don't have an AR pointed at my chest like these "saviors"
At least the military refused to trample the Constitution. My heart goes out to the good cops out there that didn't participate in the atrocities.
Again, We should not care what they said they may or may not do or when they said it.
We should all be glad they are doing something, anything and support the cause.
This knit picking appart every statement and anylizing each word serves no useful purpose when we are all seeking the same result.
Some of us like one sides approach while others like anothers. We must remember we are all on the SAME SIDE. Support the one you like or all of them if you can and let us be heard as an ORCHESTRA rather then as SOLOS.
Some great info has passed thru this thread and you can bet all the ORGs are reading it or that it is being reported to them.
Please stand together no matter who you decide deserves your support.
Did you read the next two sentences right after the one you quoted?

Sure did, it says they will "help" any indiciduals that got victimized. It DOES NOT say what they will do to help them, which is the question that I asked in the first place, still hasnt been answered by the way.
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