Goodbye Massachusetts, hello New Hampshire

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Mar 24, 2003
At long last I'll be running over the border from Massachusetts to New Hampshire to escape Kennedy, AG Reilly and such goons. However, since I'm still in the MVM (see sig) and all my friends still live here, I'll need to maintain a MA non-resident permit to carry. So, despite the fact that I can finally get that brand new USP I've been drooling over, Massachusetts keeps its claws in my to the tune of $100 every darn year for the NR permit.


I really hope that they increase the duration of the NR permit. Even a two year duration would be better.
actually, depending on the size of your new home and which town it is in, you may end up paying more in taxes LOL! I know several people who got did not save anything by moving to NH and one who got killed on taxes moving to ME. The proprty taxes can quickly negate the lack of income and sales tax. The money has to come from somewhere. MA has had 10 years of tax reductions. NH has been overrun by urban sprawl from MA (former MA residents now outnumber original NH residents in the state) and has to deal with building the infrastructure to accomodate them. Plus, they have to completely subsidize the northern half of the state.

But I'm jealous that you can get that USP for a new Glock 36, or Kel Tec .32 etc etc etc.

Is the NH carry permit more restrictive than MA or the same? Can you go to places that serve booze?
Real Estate taxes are much higher in NH, but Auto Insurance is lower.
If you work in MA, then you get screwed both ways. You have to pay MA income tax, and high NH real estate tax.
As far as property values, you have to go North of Manchester before they begin to fall.

We were gonna move to NH in the next couple of years, but as I now have my MA machine gun license, there's no rush anymore.

Congrats to you, though. Make sure you buy a P7M8 to go with the USP.
got killed on taxes moving to ME
You ain't kiddin'. Built a house here 3 yrs ago and WOW! Something like $3K a yr for property taxes for a cape. 'Course I've lived here all my life (30yrs) and wouldn't move anywhere else. (Esp. MA)

NH has been overrun by urban sprawl from MA
We get here too but just as "summer residents" . The worst part is that these people from the cape move here for peace and quiet of the country and want all the city luxeries. :rolleyes: and cry until they get thier way. So much old family neighborhoods. :fire: It's no wonder us Mainers hate our former states people. (Thankfully MA & ME split in 1820)

Make sure you buy a P7M8 to go with the USP.
Added a P7M8 to go with my USP this past summer. Both are happy and doing fine.:)

Anyways...glad to see your able to live in a decent place where them :cuss: liberalcrats can't contol you. At least you vcan have more fun at the Concord & manchester shows now.;) ;)
Congratulations and welcome! :D

NH permits are very easy to get. Go to local police station, fill out application including the names of three references, pay $10 and in a few weeks you'll have a permit good for any handgun, for any purpose, for four years.

The only restrictions on NH carry is not in or around a courtroom (and federal property of course). Some parks prohibit any firearms, but AFAIK that's it. You can certainly carry in a bar and while drinking (foolish, perhaps, but not illegal per se). You cannot hunt or target practice while above a certain BAC, but you can still use a gun for defense.

Note that you do need a carry permit to keep a loaded gun in your car, and that a gun with its loaded magazine nearby may be considered loaded.

NH laws can be found from here:
actually, depending on the size of your new home and which town it is in, you may end up paying more in taxes LOL! I know several people who got did not save anything by moving to NH and one who got killed on taxes moving to ME. The proprty taxes can quickly negate the lack of income and sales tax. The money has to come from somewhere. MA has had 10 years of tax reductions.

Sorry, but the total tax burden isn't even close. This is what people in MA tell themselves as they gaze across the border. :) I live in a high property tax town, with a pretty big house, and I still don't pay the property taxes my brother-in-law pays in Sudbury. Plus no income tax, no sales tax...what's it cost to register your car? My 2002 4Runner cost less than $500 to register/title/plate. I looked, but I must have missed the mass migration from ocurring NH to MA.

I'm renting, so any property taxes have already been figured into the cost. My new place is $125 less per month than my old place and it's 30% larger to boot.

I have been jonesing over a P7 as well, but since I'd much rather have a USP and the colder weather is here (i.e. easy concealment) I can't quite justify the smaller, although admittingly cooler, pistol.

The first thing I did after signing the lease agreement was stop by the local PD to get a permit application. I have a NH non-resident permit already (as everyone should) but it won't do me much good once my home address changes. But since the form requires proof of residency, I'll have to get my NH driving licence before I can send away for the CCW. I'm hoping the turn around time will be NH's typical seven days. My Mass NR permit, though, should be arriving about the time that the trees begin to bud again.
The turn-time for the resident CCW is amazingly fast. I dropped off my app on a Thursday, and a polite young LEO dropped it off at my house on a Saturday. Nice.

An LEO dropped off your carry license at your house, Scott!? :what: Something's not right here.

Did they think that your showing up at the police station would make the townsfolk think that their police were actually fighting crime, and caught a criminal? :neener:

Must be a small town where you live. No department like Manchester or Concord would ever do that.
Jonesy9 hit it on the head. They will get you in other ways in N.H.
I love my home state but they do know how to screw you in oh so many ways and still say there a tax free state.

Devonai, what ever you do keep your license plates and car registration in original condition. I had a hell of a time with the DMV from Mass when O moved to Texas. They wanted both plates and reg returned to them or they would keep charging yearly taxes on both vehicles.

It took for ever to find them (one had a .40 SW hole C.O.M. in it wonder how that got there ?:D) We ended up having Texas DPS verifying that the plates we had matched our reg and we had to have the shipping document certified and registered before we sent them back to Tax-achusetts.

They received them, returned the certified mail we sent with it for our records and then they still taxed us and started to send nasty mail.
We just kept stuffing their signature and the return receipt down their throat and they finally released their stranglehold on us.
They never did get the I.R.S. involved.

I hate that G.D. state. I think this just screwed the rest of my day, just thinking about that bureaucratic crud AAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!

ANy way. Heads up and don't mess with "THEIR" property and you should have a clean break.

Best of luck.


P.S. Jonesy9, welcome to THR.
An LEO dropped off your carry license at your house, Scott!? Something's not right here.
Really? I thought it was damn nice, and saved me time. Do you suspect something when the mailman comes to your house, too?

Must be a small town where you live. No department like Manchester or Concord would ever do that.
Yup. Lots of good things about a small town.


Jonesy9 hit it on the head. They will get you in other ways in N.H. I love my home state but they do know how to screw you in oh so many ways and still say there a tax free state.
Good. Propagate this unsubstantiated B.S. widely. We already have enough people here. Bad, Bad, NH. Bad, bad, no taxes. Bad, bad, Class III, practically unrestricted CCW, overwhelmingly Rep state legislature.


you're prolly right Scott. MA taxes are way down from the taxachusett days but we still have all those hidden taxes you never think about. My in laws fled N. Andover for NH and downsized on the way and they're making out pretty good. We buy all our diapers and bulk stuff at Wal mart in Salem and save some decent coin.

I couldn't live up there though, maybe Portsmouth or somewhere right along the piscatawah. I'm married to MA. Crappy consumer safety regs may keep me from a new Glock 36 but Reilly's smoking crack if he thinks he's ever getting elected governor. I'm a man of the suburbs. I like being near to the city but not in it. I like being near the country, but not in it. Best of both worlds.

Thanks for the welcome RTFM, I learned a lot at the old, just bummed it took me this long to find this place :)

If my wife had her way, we'd be living in MA, in Newburyport or some such high-cost locale. I don't put my foot down often, but I went to the mat on this one.

Actually, if we could have a "board" to screen prospective immigrants ("Gun owners over here, please. Pro-tax Democrats wait in this back room.") I'd help them move!

I have much more in common (and less to fear) from a gun-owning MA'er than from some of my neighbors. (Fortunately, not too many of my neighbors, but you get my point.)

Don't mean to hijack, but does anyone have a step-by-step for how to get a MA non-res permit?

That's on my short list of things to have.

- Gabe
I hear ya Scott.

GRD- get the number for thew licensing board off and send away for the package. Then open your checkbook, get out the crisco and bend the F over LOL!
I can't waite for the day I can move out of NY to NH. My County, School, Town property taxes are around 6k, we pay 8.25% sales tax, 9% income tax. plus they are increasing non tax "fees" at a mind bending rate. MA may be bad, NY is off the scale...NH 2nd lowest per person tax collections in the US, behind Alaska (which gets a lot of cash from oil).
Why wait?

One downside I discovered is that because I have one speeding ticket and one surchargable accident (the latter is being appealed, however), my auto insurance will be going up by 33% !!! Apparently there are fewer restrictions imposed by the state so costs can be higher. Oops.

Sounds like a call to Geico is in order.
Geico, from everything I've heard, are a bunch of SOBs about violations. There's a reason Warren Buffet bought them ($$$$$$$$$$$$).

I've always done well w/ State Farm, regarding rates, etc. They used to try to make you fix your car at the lowest bidder, w/ used or foreign parts, but they seem to have changed (I believe they were sued b/c of this). FWIW, I always got my car fixed right, where I wanted, but my Mom learned the hard way after she flipped her Volvo and all the replacement parts were Korean and the bodyshop was run like a halfway house, with assorted incompetent miscreants doing the work under the owner's aegis (it was State Farm "recommended").
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