The spectre of new regulations is all but gone now,
And yet Washington state just passed a law requiring NICS checks for private sales. Expect NY, NY, CA, CO, CT and others to introduce bills even worse. They will be "crime reduction" bills, the provisions included in the last reading at midnite, it will pass on a voice vote, and you won't be able to gift a firearm to anyone without them being in line with you at your FFL and paying the fee.
We will hear of $100 transfers. Great gnashing of internet teeth will occur.
Ask again "what is there to worry about?" It will likely be a hot topic of consideration at the top 100 metro city councils nationwide as their more liberal representatives attempt to enact it at the local level.
A "great Republican victory" usually means all the wrong people dropping their vigilance and the opposition working even harder to get items in the hoppers of legislatures nationwide. And, they get away with it. It doesn't stop them at all, it's only a skirmish in a very long term effort on their part to gut the Second Amendment.
I'll stop. There's no way further discussion will stay High Road. The fair weather Republicans are dancing in the end zone celebrating, they forget this game has no clock and never ends.