Got my butt kicked at 3 gun this weekend. :)

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002

Rule #1. If you have a really bad cold, don't expect to shoot good.

Rule #2. The match director always manages to screw up stages that he designed.

What a day. Great match. Lots of fun. Great turn out. Some super competitors.

I had a horrible cold. Coughing, stuffy head, watery eyes, twitchy, tired, grouchy, but still would you rather lay in bed sick, or go shooting? Easy answer to that one.

I started out on stage 9. A rifle stage with shots going out to about 180 or so yards. Lots of movement from barricades to a torn up van, shooting from various positions. I was just to shakey, and had the hardest time getting a good sight picture. Sucky time on that one.

Stage 1. Shotgun o'rama. 22 shots. Lots of movement, slicing the pie, piles of targets just around the corner, and then a plate rack. I won this stage, showing that the shakes don't matter as much with a shotgun. :) God put shotguns on this earth for people like me.

Stage 2. Pistol & shotgun speed shoot on a bunch of plates. 4th overall. Did pretty good. Could have been a bit faster. Sight rail came undone on my Saiga. Not a big deal shooting at plates with shot as I don't use the sigts, I look at the targets, but more on this later when I had to shoot slugs. :p

Stage 3. Rifle stage. Once again discovered that you can be shakey with a pistol and a shotgun, but you can't with a rifle. WAY to slow.

Stage 4. A very fun stage. Pistol on a mover, with multiple targets and a random hostage. String 1 and string 2, good times, all perfect hits. String 3 promptly shoot the hostage, miss one of the other bad guys totally. Oh yea, thats the ticket.

Stage 5. Rifle out to 100 yards, tons of shoot positions while leapfrogging from barricade to barricade. My grandma could have shot this one better. Had to stop between strings to puke. :)

Stage 6. Pistol & shotgun. Did okay, 6th overall. Should have won the damn thing, but there was a select slug drill. Remember me mentioning my sight rail coming loose on my shotgun earlier? Just barely managed to hit the slug targets, and that was after having to go back and shoot them again after totally missing the first time around. (thank goodness for Vickers!)

Stage 7. All 3 guns. This one was a modified El Prez, first pistol, then rifle, then shotgun. I won this one. Could have went a bit faster, but I was hopped up on pain killers.

Stage 8. Pistol. I'm a hostage killing machine. Thats all that I'm going to say, and I'll leave it at that. :p

For those of you who haven't shot 3 gun, I would encourage you to go do so. Even on your worst day, it is still the most fun you can have with a gun.
For those of you who haven't shot 3 gun, I would encourage you to go do so. Even on your worst day, it is still the most fun you can have with a gun.
Don't you mean some guns? :D
There is no national organization for 3 gun. It is just something that local clubs put on. Contact your local IDPA or IPSC clubs and ask them if they do one.
Nope, I like 3 gun being something that is locally run.

Since 3 gun is such a diverse thing I think that clubs should run them how they see fit, and in the manner that best serves their club members.

All of the big national matches have their own set of rules.

The problem I see is that if it is going to have a national body then it can go in two directions, tactically minded or USPSA style. One of the other will manage to turn off somebody.

The way it is now, there are matches for everybody.
I shot my first 3-gun this weekend. Even though I completely foo-barred the first pistol stage, I had a great time. We shot 2 pistol, 2 rifle and 3 shotgun stages. I did pretty well considering that I was shooting someone elses rifle and shotgun.

As Correia said, loads of gun fun.
Larry, I gotta comment on your personal description. Don't know much about the eyes, head, cough etc..... but GROUCHY?......come on, I did not see it. perhaps because I was not with your group. But, being in the group just ahead of you, You seemed to be your same normal self, (even taking the time to geve me a tip on reloading the scattergun faster).

It was a great day, weather wise, for November in Utah. The great thing about all matches, and 3 gun in particular, is that there is no shortage of second guessing what you could have or should have done. And like most, I am my best critic.

And there is the next match to start planning for. A chance to try all those fixes for the areas we feel need improvement.
Corey ACP , Welcome to the THR !

Stage 8. Pistol. I'm a hostage killing machine.
Well, if you ever need a pard in a doubles stage ...holler :p
I went through a bad streak of that, in my defence they dressed the hostages in T shirts with , umm, organizations contrary to RKBA. Figured I put them our their misery being hostage to such ideology...still lost points...tried tho'. ;)

With a shotgun I don't shoot the wrong color of flying clays...its the stationary hostage that needs to worry or start moving...
Corey, great to see you here. :) Welcome to THR.

I'm probably exagerating the grouchy part, but then again you didn't see me right after I got done screwing up stage 5. :D

Our next one is new years day. This time John & I are going to do something a little different because neither of us want to go setup new year's eve and it is probably going to be really cold. We are going to do 6 stages instead of 9, and we are going to do all steel targets.
Our next one is new years day. This time John & I are going to do something a little different because neither of us want to go setup new year's eve and it is probably going to be really cold. We are going to do 6 stages instead of 9, and we are going to do all steel targets.

Are you going to reduce the match fee too?

I had a good time...I always have a good time when I beat Correia...

I'm just kidding

Don't get too used to it Jack. :)

The match will still be plenty big, and will probably last as long as a regular IDPA match. Saw your results from last Saturday. Good shooting.
i'm going to one Sunday here in coastal's at a local IPSC club so it's pretty IPSC oriented but still fun......they have one stage where you run through a pine thicket and shoot skeet targets that are on waist high's pretty fun and walking through the woodssitting up new skeet targets sure beats having to look around for plates and setting poppers......DICK
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